October 2023


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I was offered a dual-rate position at the Q Casino here in Dubuque. This offer is good enough to get me back into the business. I have to earn. My Uncle Sam check is not enough to live on. I can save a ton of money quickly working this job. I will have options in the future with money in the bank. There is no reason to live out the rest of my life living at the US poverty level. I deserve better.

I will have to work hard but I will play hard. I will make this work.

It is a sad that the world had to go to the brink of total chaos to knock Donald Trump out of the headlines. One good thing I have noticed is that Trump is having a temper tantrum over it. How dare Israel get first billing. Trump also turned on Netanyahu just like he has with everyone else. His remarks about HAMAS were inappropriate. He is getting heat for saying, "they are smart." It just goes to show Trump's admiration for men who wield power. It dosn't matter if they are dictators. Trump wants people to think he has power, just like these butchering animals. His true colors definitely have come shining through these past few days since this war in Gaza has begun.

Former governor Christie is correct. Trump is a fool. Nothing new here. Look at the people who worship the ground he walks on. They are also fools. Trump will not be the 47th President of the United States.

You think at my age I would have realized I am going to wake up in the morning, and friends I thought were loyal to me are going to vanish into thin air without a trace. I never see it coming. I must be a bad person. I never thought I was a bad friend. I never left anyone I considered an ally down. I had their back. I never asked for favors. I went out of my way to care for myself even when I needed help. I didn't ask. I never chose friends because I thought they would be useful. I don't use people. Look where that has gotten me! It doesn't matter. I have am living my life. I have always marched to the sound of my own drum. I will continue.

I have said nothing about the ongoing war. The extent of the brutality HAMAS inflicted on the citizens of Israel escapes description. Clearly, those responsible have forfeited their right to live. It is a shame that innocent people living in the Gaza Strip are suffering and will continue to suffer till all HAMAS soldiers are exterminated.

It is disappointing to see journalist in this country play into the hands of HAMAS PSYOP. It is even more so to see our government do nothing to stop it. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now may as well be wearing a black mask over her face and a HAMAS headband. Anyone in this country who makes the statement, "I condemn Israel for attacking Gaza" is a fool and a HAMAS stooge.

If what is happening in Israel is a macrocosm, then Philadelphia is the microcosm. This entire planet is witnessing brutality and butchery on an unparalleled scale. As far as I know, babies are not being beheaded in this country. If they were, I wonder if it would be reported. All other atrocities that occur in war are happening right under our noses. The human race has declared war on itself.

I am Radish is finished. It is online for anyone to read. It is not a polished gem. It is raw. The story is there even if you have to trip over it to hear it. This is OK. The sequel will be better. This story lays the groundwork for Son of Radish.

Time is flying by. It has been four months since I came to my senses and walked away from that shit hole I was working in. This is my time and I am the only person responsible for what is done with it. It does not matter what wrongs have been inflicted and whom ever ignored them. This is the order of things.

I am writing a story. It is a series of essays that create a story. It has potential. I won't be charging anything for people to read it. The sequel is another story. I will release this on a commercial foundation. I have to pay bills. If I am unable to create an income stream from this, I may have no choice but to return to the casino business. There is one other casino in town. I am sure I could get a job working the wheel.

Just another day in hell. At least it is a dry heat.

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