April 2024


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Everywhere I go back into the Archive of Time to Blog! I am dumbfounded on why I never listened to myself. Not just 10 years ago. I never followed through on what I knew I was supposed to be doing. Not for the simple fact of doing something, this advice pointed me to a better way of life. I did take my advice on moving to another state to get a job. This is when I decided to go back into the casino business as much as I loath and despise it. So I tortured myself for another 10 years. Posts of the following send a chill down my spine. The waste. I feel shame. A blast from the past ...

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I took this picture of myself a few minutes ago. I dyed my hair a blue-black hue. This is my response to fitting in with the corporate status quo. I do not have an unemployment insurance claim open with the state of Wisconsin. I am not collecting any monies from any agency - state or federal. The only people I have to answer to is my landlord and God, and maybe the utility companies. I have enough funds to get me through August. My lease ends there. It is my intention to relocate, at that time, to a state that has an economy. In the meanwhile, I will hone my computer skills. I will get physically and spiritually balanced. My life is on track again and it must remain so. Being free from the corporate jackboot at my neck is a blessing. I will work hard to keep it that way. If you aren't working for yourself and creating an income stream by the labor of your own two hands and the intelligence you were blessed with, you are a peasant groveling for a few morsels from the corporate banquet table. I refuse to play that game.

I can't say it any better. I have learned something this past month of March. I lost my passion. I don't know when. My passion as a boy was to stay alive. I am becoming painfully aware that this is a serious flaw. I never really moved past this. There have been glimmers along the way, but that one true passion for the life I am living has escaped me.

I am here. I don't plan on going anywhere. This is my time. I have the money. I blew some since my last working day 2-29-24. Nothing to worry about. My retirement consists of living at the US Poverty Level for a Singe Person. I have the time to accomplish anything. I am taking what is mine. Burn baby, burn.

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