September 2010

September 30, 2010

Parting shot to September. I think I am losing what little mind I have left. That is why I am grasping for something to hold on to. There is a difference between grasping and seizing. I did manage to come to this conclusion and I think it is a good one. I do not need expertise in the areas of Network Administration to make Powershell a jewel. All I have to do is master the scripting language and the keyboard. I have to go back and read that book on Object Oriented Programing. I need to master XML. I need to know IronPython/ Python. This is all I have to know. This is a possibility that can be manifested in a few years. This will change my life. I can call the shots. Seize this! This covers the mind. You have an agenda physically to run consecutively. You have the time. This will make me whole.

September 27, 2010

I'm going to lighten up for a bit. I'll be posting again in October, unless something really grabs my crotch. If I am to enjoy the moment I have to live in it. I tend to live in a frame of mind that is strictly linear. I get stuck in the thought that skills and knowledge will enable me to live a richer life. It isn't hope. Hope is for knobs. I honestly belive this. But, in doing do, I loose the moment that is today. That is why I need a break from writing. I'll write again when time is right.

For the record. This is what I want to think when I gaze into the abyss:

I'm at peace
I did some good things
I'm proud of my life

I'm not even close. Something to consider every morning, of every day I have left.

September 25, 2010

I reacquainted myself with XML research I had done prior and forgot about . It is a monster. I can master XML to where I can work on web design, or build XML Web Services on the .NET Platform. It is the key that links all data on the World Wide Web. It's on Wall Street. It is in the labs. It is the backbone of the Semantic Web.

Right from the man himself ...
The Semantic Web of Data Tim Berners-Lee

I spent two years in Vietnam and I would learn to read, write, and speak the language. These are valuable skills. I have the ability to make contacts. A good life? I think so. In the meantime, I have work to do. Started working out. I feel better. I have slipped lower physically than I am comfortable with. I am trying to look at things in a different perspective. I have the power to change my life for the better even at this late juncture. I'm starting to feel better about a great many things.

This is great comedy.

Get Smart Pilot - Mr Big
aired September 18, 1965
Don Adams (Donald James Yarmy), actor, born April 13 1923; died September 25 2005

September 23, 2010

It has taken me 55 years to realize I am capable of accomplishing almost anything I truly desire despite my limitations. I know people are fond of the expression "better late than never", but I find no solace in it. I will repeat myself again, NOW is all I have. I have a mental list of things I want to accomplish before I dance with the Grim Reaper. They are not based on financial gain. Gain is possible. The intent is what is important. I seek joy. I've experienced it before. I intend to experience it again.

I am doing more than talking dribble. I've grown more secretive. I've noticed it in the way I write. Anyone and everyone can come here and read this shit. I had more linguistic flare in certain periods. I wrote with emotion. I still think some of the best stuff I've penned is in here, scattered about. I had passion. I attacked the man using nothing more than a keyboard. Those strokes have been seen by people from all over the globe in some form or other. Given the developments of the Internet since I started this ride back in July 2004, I am humbled that putting this information will help someone, somewhere sitting in front of a computer in ways I never dreamed possible ...
Digital information about nearly every aspect of our lives is being created at an astonishing rate. Locked within all of this data is the key to knowledge about how to cure diseases, create business value, and govern our world more effectively. The good news is that a number of technical innovations (RDF which is to data what HTML is to documents, and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) which allows us to express how data sources connect together) along with more openness in information sharing practices are moving the World Wide Web toward what we call the Semantic Web. Progress toward better data integration will happen through use of the key piece of technology that made the World Wide Web so successful: the link. The power of the Web today, including the ability to find the pages we're looking for, derives from the fact that documents are put on the Web in standard form, and then linked together. The Semantic Web will enable better data integration by allowing everyone who puts individual items of data on the Web to link them with other pieces of data using standard formats.

Testimony of Sir Timothy Berners-Lee
CSAIL Decentralized Information Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet Hearing on the "Digital Future of the United States: Part I -- The Future of the World Wide Web"
March 1, 2007
Terence McKenna
Singularity of Technology abd Biological Intent

McKenna was a man ahead of his time. The links are there. When I listened to this, I thought of XML and the Semantic Web. It is a fact. This is the future of the WWW. Powershell is the future of Network Administration. These are two IT jewels. This is not about the job. It is about seeking knowledge. I don't have to bury my head in esoteric publications of the past 500 years to find it. I refuse to drift aimlessly. I will keep my job. The nest egg is growing. My life doesn't revolve around the accumulation of this nest egg, but it is a necessary evil. The silver investment I made is paying off handsomely. I have to survive in the civilization I am chained to. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to go East. Vietnam is the first stop. The world is open to me. New Zealand and Australia aren't far. The smart money is fleeing the US and the Dollar. My path is clear ...

September 21, 2010

I put a links page up. I have enjoyed the top-drop down menu on the home page for a long time, but it has become less stable. I tried to add/delete sites from the script, and it had a tendency to crash. The Internet continues to evolve and in doing so, the "browser" codes are becoming more elaborate. The HTML I continue to use is old school. I see no reason to make the code I use any more complicated than necessary. This new option isn't as esthetically pleasing, but it gets the job done. Follow the Orobus. (I did put my Tweets back on this page. Instead of exposing ALL of my blog posts to the disclosure I am limiting them to this one page. I still like Twitter. It has value. I will watch my back.)

Things are good in my small corner of the world. I can't say the same for the rest of it. I found a news article in today's paper that made me chuckle. The National Bureau of Economic Research, a group of economists based in Cambridge, Mass. has determined that the Great Recession ended in June 2009. It lasted 18 months. The duration makes it the longest since World War II. According to my humble analysis, the country was in serious financial trouble in August 2006. The media hasn't ... nor is it going to broadcast anything resembling the straight dope concerning any political, social or financial sector. This story is lame and feeble. It is an insult.

Sound familiar? Life in the salt mines ...
You slave away at your stupid job every day of your stupid life, hating every moment of it, reviling all the idiotic people you deal with every hellish day, but you bravely and heroically put up with the aggravation because you desperately need the money. And then your idiot boss comes walking up, out of nowhere, and wants to get in your face ...

September 12, 2010

Was walking through the down town area. Some goof ball was having an argument with his girl friend. I looked over when I heard the shouting. This punk shouts, "what are you looking at?" I responded, "I'm walking here." He waved his arm in the air and said, "keep walking." I told him if he continued flapping his lips, I would make arrangements for him to talk to the police. He shut up. I enjoyed it. In hind site, it might have been better if I could have caused him physical pain, but it wasn't necessary. The voice is a valuable weapon. I was in control of the situation on two levels; physiological and tactical. This is being in the zone. It is beyond a reasonable doubt. Social boundary checks and balances have been slowly disintegrating for some time. I will find myself in a combat situation in the near future. I do not seek it. I will not yield. Speaking of tactics, I have adopted a new one. I am listening to myself. Better yet, I am acting on the input. Life is good.

September 10, 2010

It is getting darker sooner. When I was driving to work this morning around 11:00 am it was picture perfect. Such a waste to spend my day toiling away working for parasites. I fear it is too late to change the situation I see ahead. I never imagined that I would witness a total disintegration of a way of life, but it has happened. Why am I not working to change this? What is happening to the world financial, political, and social structures is beyond my resources to correct. Seize the moment. I recently told someone that you seldom get a second chance in this life. I never have listened to myself. This is my greatest weakness.

September 5, 2010

Fall came hard and fast. I am not complaining. Fall is my favorite time of the year. There is a great deal of energy associated with Fall. I have downsized my Internet exposure. I deleted my Google profile because I can not disable the Buzz application. The Buzz application ties into Twitter. Do I care? I didn't until I received a notice from Twitter that they were changing protocol on the shortened URL's. Twitter will use it's own technology to compress URL links in tweets. Any link clicked on a tweet will be logged to "better help serve the needs of the people using Twitter".

I disagree with this logging of URL's. This is why I am limiting my Internet exposure. If you have been in here during the past couple of months, you noticed I had a list of the last five tweets from my account. I eliminated the code. I still like Twitter. It is a useful tool to network. It is possible to find excellent source material. I don't like the data mining. I will have to give this serious consideration.

I have decided to buy two pistols:
The Judge - fires 4.10 shotgun shells & Colt .45 ammunition
A 357 magnum - fires .357 & .38 ammunition.

With these two weapons, I have access to four sources of ammunition. That is a plus. The Judge can handle buckshot. At close range, you don't argue with buckshot.

On that note I bid you good night. I jest. By now you should see it coming. I am not a good host.

Website of Webster Griffin Tarpley

mystery schools, politics, magick, occult, music, martial art, karate, yoga, podcasting