October 2020


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Seamn Connery has died at the age of 90.

The Scottish actor was best known for his portrayal of James Bond, being the first to bring the role to the big screen
and appearing in seven of the spy thrillers. Sir Sean died peacefully in his sleep in the Bahamas, having been
"unwell for some time", his son said.

James Bond was a hero to all of the guys my age. He was a role model to millions of young boys who dreamed of being secret agents. The spy business was big business and it generated huge dollars for Hollywood. Countless shows and movies were produced on this theme but none ever reached the zenith of 007. The men who played the role after Sean Connery were great, but Connery remains the greatest Bond of all time.

This month is almost over. I have been giving this a great deal of thought. What should I REALLY be doing right now?
No matter how much I wring my hands, the world is not going to change. No one ever listened to me and they sure as hell
aren't going to start. I don't care that they would. My greatest desire is to be left alone in peace. I don't need hillbillies
waving American flags in my face shouting about Constitutional Rights. They don't even know what that means. With rights come
responsibilities and they haven't got the shoulders for that. That haven't got the backbone for that. They don't have the
brain pan to understand what a role model is or how being one is what brings lasting change for the betterment of society.
They aren't teaching their children discipline or responsibility because they don't understand it. The concepts are too complex.

I need to turn a blind eye to the insanity that has gripped the country and narrow my focus. I can make a difference in the small
circle that encompass my life. I can continue doing the things I have done throughout my life. I can treat people better than they have treated me. I will hold fast to the promise I made NOT to hate. When I see these scum of the Earth running amok on the television day after day with no end in sight, it zaps my will to focus on what is important to me. This isn't being selfish. This is life. If I don't take care of myself now, I am going to lose the will to live the best life I am able to create for myself. I deserve better. I can be a role model. I can make a diffrence.

I will put aside the observations of disgust with the human race for the time being. I have books to read. I have books to write. I have a life to live. The only constant I can rely on is that it is every man for himself for the moment. If you don't watch your back, someone is going to put a knife in it. I need to clear the financial books. This might take three years or even longer. I am not happy with this situation, but I brought it down on myself. I have no one to blame. I need to get into better physical shape if that is even possible for a 65 year old man. When the time comes for me to defend myself from the mindless hoard, I have to be ready. It is coming. I don't like it, but I refuse to dismiss this just because it isn't pretty to look at.

As Election Night draws near, Biden is running out of gas. Obama has come out of the Democratic corner swinging. He is hammering the campaign trail in Florida. From what CNN is saying, neither Trump NOR Biden can win this election without Florida's electoral votes. There might be truth to this observation.

Bush was elected president of the United States in 2000 when he defeated Democratic incumbent Vice President Al Gore after a narrow and contested win that involved a Supreme Court decision to stop a recount in Florida. He became the fourth person to be elected president without a popular vote victory. John Ellis "Jeb" Bush was Governor of Florida. He said he would deliver Florida to the Bush camp. He came through on his promise.

Looking at the results of this 2020 Presidential battle, it doesn't really make much difference to me. I think we are screwed either way no matter who wins. Trump is a dictatorial power obsessed maniac. If he gets re-elected, Barr and the rest of the Nazi henchmen laying in the weeds can crawl out of the woodwork. If Biden is elected, the LGBTQ will push their perversions on society and the Democrats will bankroll it. I am sure the sale of butt plugs will soar. If I had money to invest, this is where I would put it; any company dealing with ill morality and perverted proclivities.

If Trump leaves Social Security alone, whatever else he does probably will not have a large impact on my personal life. If Trump sends troops into cities to stop the looting, I will supoort it. The only thing this scum fringe element understands is force. If it takes cracking open a few skulls to bring order back to our streets, than so be it. Biden isn't going to stop these punks. He wants to offer then an olive branch. They will take it and shove it up his ass. They might have to remove his anal plug first.


This happened yesterday. Here is another fine example of ignorance breeding violence.

Jessica Hill              Jayla Hill

Two sisters are being held on attempted first-degree murder charges in Illinois for allegedly stabbing a store security
guard after being told they needed to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

The sisters entered a retail store and got into a verbal altercation with the victim, a 32-year-old man who was working as a security guard, Chicago Police said. The Cook County State's Attorney's Office said the man had told the sisters they had to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

Their argument became physical when Jessica Hill, 21, pulled out a knife and stabbed him in his back, neck, and arms 27 times, according to the criminal complaint. Her sister, 18-year-old Jayla Hill, held the victim down by his hair while the attack occurred, according to the complaint.

Police said the victim is in stable condition.

Lauren M. Johnson and Kay Jones -- CNN
Wed October 28, 2020
The first mistake this victim made was turning his back on these two idiots.
The second mistake he made was after he felt the first stab, he didn't take the knife away
and carve his initials into her face. He was victimized because he didn't fight back.
Look into the faces of these two sub-human females. This is a glimse of a coming future.
When these animals come for you, what are you going to do about it?


On Sunday, ESPN reported that Jacksonville Jaguars running back Ryquell Armstead is expected to miss the rest of this season due to COVID-19 complications. It should be noted neither Armstead nor the Jaguars have confirmed he contracted the virus, but he has reportedly been hospitalized twice and continues to struggle with “significant respiratory issues” among other problems.

Armstead is just a few days shy of his 24th birthday. He is in the prime of his life and COVID-19 is eating him alive.

It was just reported within the past two days that an inner circle of Vice President Pence staff members have tested positive for COVID-19. Pence is not going into quarantine. He is out holding Trump rallies in swing states. Pence does not wear a mask. He encourages large rallies of people cramming close together who are also not wearing masks to come out and support Trump. Pence has blood on his hands along with the rest of these GOP butchers who belong to the Trump personality cult.

I just heard Trump talking to a crowd in Pennsylvania. The fake news wants people to believe that COVID-19 is dangerous. It isn't a big deal if you listen to Trump. This number of 225,000 dead is small potatoes. Trump hasn't cost lives. Trump has saved 1.75 million lives because of the fantastic job he has done. According to Trump and his GOP cronies, work is being done on bringing a vaccination to the American people by the end of 2020. Therapeutics are being manufactured at warp speed. Every effort is being made to protect American lives. Wearing masks and social distancing is for sissies. The real men fighting COVID-19 are behind Trump and his plan. The Trump plan is to blame China for COVID-19. If people are suffering it is China's fault. The Trump plan is herd immunity. Let people get sick. We will treat them, if they don't die first. Long term complications? What long term complications! That is fake news. Ryquell Armstead must be a Democrat. He is lying. He isn't suffering any long term complications. Come November 4th, his symptoms will disappear along with the rest of the millions of Americans who are sick and dying. They will be good as new. Trump says so. It must be true.

I did watch the Presidential Debate last night. I thought Trump did well. I hate to think he might have made enough of an impression to snatch victory from the jaws of what looked like certain defeat. The people who might sway this election are folks who did vote for Trump in 2016, and the real indecision is whether to vote for him again. They have not voted early because they haven't made a commitment to vote for Biden. I don't think they want to vote for Biden. I DO NOT wish to vote for Biden. I will not for Trump. I gave him the benefit of a doubt in 2016 and I feel like I got pissed on. I am sitting this election out. I can not in good conscious vote for either one of these men.

This endorsement letter for Biden is impressive simply because the signatures are from men and women of great character. The body of the letter is not a glowing endorsement. It is a letter saying Biden has morals that Trump doesn't have. That isn't much of a stretch. It says Biden gives a damn for the country and Trump only gives a damn about himself. No secret there. The message I got was we have two lame choices for President, and Biden is the lesser of two evils. This letter did not inspire me.

It looks like enough people are going to turn out to toss Trump out. I admit I am dead weight. I will stick to my principals. Trump is correct. Biden has been sticking money into his pockets since he went to Washington. As far as I am concerned, Trump and Biden are both dirty. I can not vote for either one of these turds.

Here is an interesting story of mayhem happening in the streets of Dubuque, Iowa.
Man's nose get bitten off in physical altercation.

It brought me some comfort to hear the host of the MSNBC Show 'Morning Jo' talk about friends telling him that Trump has been right all along. COVID-19 is going to disappear as soon as the election is over and Trump stays in the White House. It's all a political hoax to keep Fearless Leader from retaining his throne. I have expereinced the same thing. It hurts to realize people I respected and considered to be friends are a great deal more shallow than I could imagine.

America has become a nation of cowards. I pray it is a small minority. The numbers of stupified people are growing. These people haven't got the backbone to face the challenges the future holds. It isn't just about COVID-19. How people are facing this pandemic demonstates how they will face the future. They haven't got the guts.

The Message
  • Masks are a joke.
  • Social distancing is a joke.
  • This election is a joke.
  • 8,107,000 COVID-19 infections in the United States is a joke.
  • 219,000 COVD-19 deaths in the United States is a joke.
  • Long term permanent damge to the heart, lungs, immune system, and the brain caused by COVID-19 is a joke.
  • The lives of every man, woman, and child are secondary when it comes to the reputation of Donald J. Trump.

No Donald, please don't leave. We love you! We don't care that you tossed us into a ditch and left us for dead. It is an honor to die if it keeps you from looking bad. At the end of the day, it is all about you. You are a beautiful human being who loves all of God's creatures great and small. Please, tell me more lies. I just can't get enough of them.


Fitness influencer Dmitriy Stuzhuk has passed away at the age of 33 after suffering from complications related to COVID-19. The social media star's ex-wife, Sofia Stuzhuk, with whom he shared three kids, confirmed his death in a detailed Instagram post on Saturday, Oct. 17. Before he became ill, he had been telling his followers on social media that COVID-19 was a hoax.

I don't know this man. I was not a follower. I mention him and show his picture because he was young. He was fit. Now, he is dead. I want to say something to the people of Wisconsin who attended the Trump rally in Janesville and did not wear a mask or practice social distancing. Some of you are going to get sick. I hope that none of you die, but if you do, you have to accept the fact the President isn't going to care. COVID-19 is not a hoax. It is deadly. If you want to spend the rest of your life living in a world of make believe, that that is your decision. If you cause someone else to get sick and die because of your reckless behavior, you will die with blood on your hands.


"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ...
so that I may exploit them."

Trump didn't say this. I made it up. The shoe fits.

The proud people of Wisconsin gathered on COVID-19 sanctified ground in Janesville, Wisconsin today to hear Donald Trump tell them how great he is. They ate it up with a big spoon. Jesus is happy the President is touring the mid-West. Jesus loves Donald Trump because where ever Trump goes death follows, bringing fresh new souls to heaven.


When asked if he was worried he might catch COVID-19 again (if he had it to begin with) the President said,
"What? Me worry? I have access to medical care these schmucks won't see for 100 years."

Trump didn't say this. I made it up. The shoe fits.

I like this guy. I ran across his YouTube channel surfing for good Information Technology videos. It is not an easy task given the bulk of worthless material piling up on this platform. He is an arrogant son of a bitch and I can see why his wife left him, or why he doesn't have friends. I can relate to the latter. I don't have friends for many of the reasons he talks about in this video. It isn't because I have money. I don't have it because I never learned HOW to get it. This is another reason why I like this guy. He knows where the money is and he knows how to get it.

Without coming right out and saying so, he has given the best explanation as to why idiots are running lose burning our cities to the ground. He has the guts to see things as they are, even if what you are looking at is ugly. I respect this man. I can learn a great many things from him and he has given me a great deal to think about. I don't have to agree with everything he believes in, but he is a genuine person. That does make him better than the Great Unwashed flooding the national air waves.

One thing is for certain. The chances are slim that I can crawl out of this financial hole I live in. I have to work my ass off just to create the opportunity to crawl out of it! I have nothing better to do. If I don't do this, I am going to die regretting the day I was born.
This scenario is unacceptable.

This is a short clip of Trump trying to look sophisticated in front of a crowd of supporters in Greenville, North Carolina. It is pathetic to listen to the President of the United States look people in the eye and lie to their face. What a sad and empty life this man is living.

I haven't heard ignorance coming out of anyone's mouth to this degree since I was working at my last casino job. Here is a man who claims to be intelligent talking like a self righteous asshole. He is not better than anyone. He thinks he is clever. He is a fool. This man has no respect for human life. I don't know who is the bigger fool; Trump or the people who think he is a great man. He is a disgrace to the human race.

If there is justice in this world, Trump will be arrested and tried in Geneva, Switzerland on charges of genocide.
It isn't going to happen, but it shouuld.

During his appearance on Rush Limbaugh's radio show on Friday, Donald Trump opted to use the word "fuck" while discussing U.S. relations with Iran. The moment happened during a two-hour "virtual rally," which is the only type of rally Trump can currently attend after he tested positive for COVID-19 last week.

If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are gonna do things to you that have never been done before."
— the President of the United States.
Listen to Trump Rant.

I've read comments from the Great Unwashed posted on social media. One of the most interesting things said was, "Donald Trump is a true American. This is how real people talk." That is true if you happen to be an ignorant baffoon with zero class or gray matter to match. This is the kind of talk I heard dealing cards to the dregs of society. This is Donald Trump's constituency. I refuse to believe they are the majority. Looking back at the parade of fools in the last casino I worked for, it makes me wonder. One thing is for certain, we are in deep trouble; a scene right out of the 1983 American science fiction thriller film The Dead Zone. Donald Trump has a destiny and we are just pawns.

I am disgusted by the notion that Afro-Americans are burning down U.S. cities because they are exercising their Constituional Rights to protest. One of the main things they are protesting against is "white racism" in America. All Caucasian-Americans are born racist. We should feel shame because we are born White. Claims are being made that concepts like

"[o]bjective, rational linear thinking," "h]ard work" being "the key to success," the "nuclear family, "and belief in a single god are not values that unite Americans of all races but are instead "aspects and assumptions of whiteness."
People who claim to represent the Black Lives Matter movement have made a mockery of race relations in the country. They are filled with hate against anyone who is White. This is the message I am getting.

I do not think I am alone in this conclusion. I give credit to the Trump Administration for this Executive Order dated September 22, 2020. It is a shame it has to come to actions like this, but enough is enough. This personal witch hunt against Caucasian-Americans has to end.

The hosts of MSNBC's on Thursday questioned President Donald Trump's behavior
since his release from Walter Reed Medical Center Monday.

It gives me hope that the national media is not letting up on the bizarre behavior of the President. At least he has the benefit of a doubt that his recent dictatorial rants are the result of the medication he is receiving for treatment of COVID-19. His threats and tantrums don't sound all that different to me. The President is crazy whether he is on these medications or he isn't on them. Even Maria Sara Bartiromo of Fox News looked a bit shaken to hear Trump saying he has instructed United States Attorney General William P. Barr to indict Obama and Biden for the "worst crimes" in American history. I can understand why he still thinks Hillary Clinton is guilty of something involving the private email server she was using. I think she is personally responsible for the entire Benghazi debacle that ended with the needless death of Ambassador Stevens, but that is water under the bridge. This isn't the first time Hillary CLinton has escaped the long arm of the law. Look at the Whitewater Scandal.

No matter what Trump thinks, he can not decide who Bill Barr brings charges against. The law decides. Trump is not the law in this country. That is the problem. He thinks he is. He thinks Bill Barr is his personal attack dog. Congress questioned Barr on his handling of cases involving people close to President Trump back in July. He was told that as Attorney General he has to be impartial. He was told he is not a political tool of retribution. Just three months have passed and Trump is still talking like Bill Barr is his personal lap dog. If Barr does what Trump tells him to do, he will acheive greatness. If he doesn't, Barr is just another weakling who didn't have the guts to take advantage of the opportunity Trump gave him. Bill Barr can be great or he can be a loser. That is the only kind of people that exist in the world of Donald J. Trump. You are a big fish or you are a little fish.


Now that he has contracted COVID-19, President Donald Trump says he does "get it."
He has been to school, not the kind of school where you read about things in books, but the real school of hard knocks. Having the world's experts on infectious disease telling him the past six months how dangerous this virus is wasn't good enough for Donald Trump. Watching 7.5 million Americans suffer from contracting this virus and watching 210,000 die from it had zero impact on him. Now, he has an understanding that somehow just went past him.

The people who died must have been losers. They didn't want to live. They didn't have the guts he does to fight it off. They got what they had coming to them. The fact that Trump had access to specialized treatment that none of us will ever see in 100 years is besides the point. When you look at the big picture, what are a few small potatoes compared to the life of the President of the United States?

The White House inner circle is disintegrating. This country is swirling the drain, and no one is stopping it. I hear lip service about what a bad boy the President has been on the national news, but nothing is being done to stop this cutthroat sociopath from fulfilling his destiny. That destiny is the concentration of political power in the hands of one man, Donald J. Trump.

'A slap in the face' -- Families of COVID-19 victims slam president's downplaying of his diagnosis.

The depths of depravity in this country has hit a new low, if that is even possible. This video clip from the Presidential Debate from a few days ago has brought nothing but shame to the United States of America. The entire debate in itself was nothing but a spectacle of immaturity and a lack of discipline from both canditates; more so from the President.

I have not been following this organization who call themselves the Proud Boys. I suppose I should have, but I am limiting the amount of hate I can tolerate to a bare minimum. That is why I have turned off the television. When I do turn it on, I am closely monitoring what I am looking at. I do not "channel surf" if I can help it. Old habits die hard. i24 News is still my best bet to get information on what is happening in the world, including the U.S.

I have prided myself on being informed on what kind of nut jobs are running loose. In warfare you need to know your enemy and that includes his modus operandi. I am getting a little too complacent in my old age. I need to watch my back. I keep forgetting how important this is, especially now.

The President called on the Proud Boys to monitor the elections and to go into polls and watch people vote.
This is what the Blackshirts did for Benito Mussolini. They helped bring him to power (through an election process) by clubbing voters and stopping people from voting who did not support him. Donald Trump may attempt to use the same strategy. Trump has made it clear that if the election doesn't go the way "he knows it should go", then he will not acknowledge it. There will be "no election", only a "continuation" of his Presidency.

My physical fitness level is not what it needs to be. Things here in Dubuque, Iowa have been calm. This can change. I have to prepare for all contingencies.

If the President had an opportunity to speak with Colonel Kurtz and ask his opinion of the debate,
I think the conversation would go something like this,
Colonel Kurtz
Are you an assassin?

Donald Trump
I am the President of the United States.

Colonel Kurtz
You're neither.
You're an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill.
The horror, the horror.

*Breaking News
President Trump announced on Twitter Friday morning that
he and first lady Melania Trump have "tested positive for COVID-19."

It doesn't matter what kind of an ass a person may be, they don't deserve to get sick and die from being a bad person. I think Donald Trump is a bad person. The one thing that money can not buy is class. Donald Trump is just another spoiled rich kid who grew up privileged. He grew up thinking that people with less money are beneath him. Their life has less value than the life of a wealthy person. I still question just how much money Trump really has. I remember long before he became President that he owed a number of banks $65 million. He wasn't paying it back on time. It was reported last week Trump owes $420 million to persons unknown. It is easy to pretend you are well off if you are living on borrowed money you never intend on paying back. Trump's billionaire status may be highly overrated.

I hope COVID-19 doesn't kill the President. His own arrogance may have finally gotten the best of him.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
[Proverbs 16:18]

Feeling OK. I am looking at Go, and it is making sense. After all the years of looking at basic source code from several programming languages, I have taught myself how to read. I can learn to write.

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