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May 2010


My Twitter Updates

    May 31, 2010

    It has been customary for me to jot something down the last day of the month. I reflect on what I had planned and how well I have accomplished them. Some of my personal projects are progressing well. Others are lacking. It looks like I will be working a 12-8 PM shift most of the summer. This gives me plenty of time to get up early and put in a 4-5 day doing what is important and of value to my life before I have to report in to the salt mine and earn the money necessary to make these projects possible. Fatigue is a factor. I tell myself it isn't an option, but it weighs heavy. This is the one thing I am finding difficult overcoming. I will not succumb. June will be productive. I have to promise myself to do my best and if I can accomplish this, I can rest easy even if I am not able to do everything I plan on. If I honestly do my very best and perform at the peak of my will's potential, I won't be sitting here at the end of the coming month feeling unfulfilled.

    May 25, 2010

    If a picture says one thousand words, this one speaks ten. Click on the photo and visit the web site of Anthony J. Hilder. The mirrors projecting this farce of government propaganda are cracking. What good will come from this? Probably little to none. None of the information I have read about the NWO or the Secret Government, or the Secret Societies hell bent on controlling this generated pipe dream we are manipulated into living in order to survive has improved my standard of living. At best, it has reinforced my understanding that this life and all I perceive it to be is an nothing more than a grand illusion. I do not believe in Satan. I do not totally believe that Lucifer is the source of evil in this world. What I do believe is that evil does exist. I agree with Jung. Man is the origin of all coming evil.

    I like this picture.

    I decided to drive to Ho-Chunk Casino today and take a shot. I went up there last Sunday and walked out with $250. Today, I walked out with $600. My casino experience paid off. When you take a shot, it is exactly that. You have to hit them hard and hit them fast. The plan is to put $300 on the line. That is 30 spins on the $5 slots, or a limited number of poker hands on the electric machines. I walked in the casino and walked out within 15-20 minutes. That is a short stay for an hour's drive, but that is what you have to do. Driving two hours and spending $20 on gas is worth it if you can win a few extra hundred. I'm not through with them yet. There is more money where this came from and I plan on taking it. I know the world is disintegrating before my very eyes. That can't stop me from doing the things I like to do.

    May 24, 2010

    It has been said that it is hard to keep a good man down. I saw this political cartoon, and I had to post it along with a link to Phil J. Berg's web site. (click on the picture) Obama Crimes is the latest news on the cases of Phil J. Berg concerning the eligibility of President B.H. Soetoro/Obama. He is not the only attorney trying to force President Obama to produce a legal birth certificate that proves he is a natural born US citizen and constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States. The following case of attorney Orly Taitz is a superb expose of the wrong that has been perpetrated against the United States of America. If the allegations in the following document are true, there can be no doubt what so ever that the Shadow Government is running the world show. If the following allegations are true, democracy in this country is an illusion. The Republic that we have held dear to our hearts is dead. The American Dream I was taught to believe in is nothing more than a pipe dream.
    Plaintiff, § §
    v. § Civil Action:
    Barack Hussein Obama
    I know the Truth will raise it's ugly head eventually. Most of us never live that long to see it. People who have the knowledge, the skills, and legal machinery behind them are hammering Obama on this issue. This is a good thing. It won't stop the wheels of the NWO from turning, but at least we will know who and what these people really are. That is something.

    May 21, 2010

    I am taking a break. I probably won't be writing much of anything here the rest of the month. Maybe come June I will feel like commenting on this farce we lovingly call civilization. I need to take time in order to clean my own house. I can't let the hyenas and the jackals distract me from this primary task.

    May 18, 2010

    I found an informative, if not shocking video on YouTube this morning. This documentary was produced by the National Inflation Association (NIA). Meltup features Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Tom Woods, and others. The documentary proves thorough facts and statistics about how hyperinflation in the U.S. is now inevitable and how Americans could soon see the end of entitlement programs they have become dependent on to live and survive. The NIA believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced.

    May 9, 2010

    This is a good article. The neocon dream of world hegemony was short lived. The fallout of this psycopathic nightmare has destroyed the last vestige of respect the US had. The arrogance of this insane agenda to remain the sole superpower by all means has destroyed the moral fabric of our society. We are a nation of sadists, hedonists, and perverts. Capitalism Is Dying a Natural Death

    I am off today. I have to do some physical training today. I have to train everyday. I have to kick myself in the ass. The first thing I have to do is extract my head from my ass.

    If you look at my Tweets above, you will see that the shortened link I am using to redirect to the original article has the word OBEY in it. Totally bizarre.

    I'm tired. I don't like feeling this physically low. I'm not sick. I just feel low. I will do something physical before I go to work in the morning even though Monday is a bad day exertion wise.

    May 8, 2010

    Here is one last source to check out regarding the Illuminati. His name is Dr. Stan Monteith. He spent a lifetime researching the Illuminati. He is one of the world's leading authorities on Professor Caroll Quigley -- President Clinton's mentor. Dr. Monteith presents information to help you better understand the world conspiracy. He exposes the truth about the Federal Reserve "Rhodes Scholar," Jesuits, Lucas Trust, Masons, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucians, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Theosophy, Socialism, Communism, the Bildebergers and more. [He is also one of the world's leading authorities on Professor Caroll Quigley -- President Clinton's mentor.]

    Here are two video presentations to watch. They are informative and well worth watching.

    Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed
    Brotherhood of Darkness

    Will be heading off to the salt mine in a bit. I have a great many things on my mind. I just have to get through today, and I can relax tomorrow. I may ingest the remaining plant material I have. I don't know if I am up to it. I think it would be a good day to get started on my Spetnaz training. I asked the question when I was pretty deep down the rabbit hole, "What can I do with the rest of my life?" The answer was, "You can be a warrior. You've done it before." Made sense to me. The true warrior is a poet, a writer, a teacher. I know what to do. It is a matter of will. Civilization is sucking the life out of me.

    May 7, 2010

    I have been working at the store for three years. Every year I tell myself this is the last one and every year since I first started the US economy has continued to disintegrate. Not only has the US economy tanked, the world financial situation has continued to get more dire by the moment. Thailand is a shambles. Greece is circling the drain. I have read talk of the US dollar becoming worthless as soon as this coming July. I listened to a podcast interview with Cliff High (Web Bot Project). According to Cliff, WWIII is here and the deaths of billions will occur in very short order.

    I have been following a man named Wes Penre. He is telling us that the end is near, and we are all going to die soon.

    I do not take anything at face value. I have liked some of the things Wes Penre has written. I liked some of the things I have heard Cliff High talk about and what this Web Bot Project is telling us will happen in the future. There is a common thread running through the two sources I have presented here. Is the end really that close? I wouldn't doubt it. Here is another source of information regarding The Anglo-Saxon Mission.
    This Plan goes into detail on how the chain of events will unfold that will reduce the world's population to 500,000, and why. There is video at this link also.

    All these documents are disturbing. All I know is that something is coming to a head. I saw this coming in 2000. I have spoken about it. I am not surprised by anything I hear or read. I honestly don't know what is going to happen in the coming six months to a year. Am I ready for death? I have to be honest and reply in the negative. As bad as things are, as disappointing my life has been at times, I still cling to this existence because it is all I know. Even if in my gut I know I don't belong here in this time or this place, I wake up every morning, get out of bed, and live my life. I will most likely be doing the same things when the shit hits the fan, and I do believe that the shit will hit the fan sooner than later.

    May 5, 2010

    "This is a knife and it is my knife. If you have a knife, I will take it from you ... and it too will be mine. I will never drop my knife. If my knife leaves my hand it is because it is stuck in my enemy. My knife is sharp. My knife can cut. My knife can stab. My knife can kill. I will pull out my knife if my life or those around me are in danger. If I pull out my knife, I will not hesitate to use it. If I use my knife I will not hesitate to kill. My knife and I are one. If one knife is good, two knives are better. I am not afraid to protect the innocent. And I will never use my knowledge and skill of the knife for evil. My business is the knife. I don’t play fair! *** Snake Blocker

    I experienced a new depth of understanding today about myself, and the nature of this three dimensional universe I occupy. To put it in a nutshell, it wasn't a new source of knowledge, but a deeper understanding of something I had understood. It was a total mind blowing, disturbing revelation. The most troubling aspect is I don't understand what it was I contacted. I can call it the Archons, but what are they, really? What I contacted was pure information that is aware. There was no soul, no wisdom, or humanity in any shape or form associated with this entity. It wasn't evil as far as I can tell, but what it is doing could be viewed that way. I could say more, but I won't. I can't talk about everything I think about or experience. I sound like a crazy person as it is. If I went into detail about what I think this thing is and what it is doing, I open myself up to all sorts of trouble I don't need.

    I can always find something that makes me laugh. This did the trick.
    If you think you can kick a crack head's ass, you better think again.
    Crack Head fights vs Two Cops

    May 4, 2010

    Trying to relax today. I got up early and had breakfast at this little family diner I found in Oregon, Wisconsin. They have nice specials, good food. I didn't feel ready to do any shamanic work today. I need to relax and get my mind centered on what is really important and not occupied with all the bullshit. Sometimes, it is difficult to drown out the constant hum of civilization. I will get up early tomorrow morning. Today may not be as productive as I would like, but I will be in a better mental and emotional state come morning.

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc shares held their own on one of Wall Street's worst days in months after a report that it would soon enter talks to settle fraud charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Goldman officials declined to comment on a report by Fox Business Network's Charlie Gasparino that Wall Street's dominant firm was not interested in battling with regulators. The report cited sources that included an unidentified senior executive at the firm.
    They are hoping they will put it behind them, said Matt McCormick, portfolio manager at Bahl and Gaynor. They will have an actionable event. The costs will be defined. The risks will be quantified, and then they can go back to making money.

    Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs was asked about what he thought the possible monitary damages might be. He responded by reaching into his pocket and saying, "if it is under one billion, I can cover it."

    May 3, 2010

    Someone shot and killed a man here in Stoughton early Saturday morning. The victim was returning from a nightclub in Madison, proceeded to unlock the front door of the home he was renting, and a gunman was "laying in the weeds" waiting for him. According to news reports, there is little evidence in the case. No one heard any shots. No one saw the shooter. They do not think it was a random act of violence. Personally, I think it is drug related, but will have to see what comes of this once more facts are in. I have a theory of what went down, but it is just a hunch. I will keep my thoughts close to the vest at this time. I don't know many people here in Stoughton. I just live here. It is a quite town, and I like that. The less people know of me and my business, the better. In the past year or two, an unsavory group of scum bags have located here. That is why I believe this incident is drug related.

    I ordered a batch of plant material last week and it arrived this morning in my PO Box. I am pleased. I also have the next two days off so the timing could not be better. I will probably get up early tomorrow morning and immerse myself within a shamanic environment. I hope to glean insight and guidance from this experience. I just have to get through the day and get the work done. The work I do pays the bills and gives me a little spare income to make possible the projects I am working on. I try and keep this in mind when the shit gets deep.

    May 1, 2010

    Welcome to May. I am sore from the training session two days ago. One thing I have noticed as far as my age is concerned, it is taking longer to recover from strenuous exercise. It's not that I am weakened to the point I have no energy or vitality. I am in pain that doesn't dissipate. It is a malingering kind of pain. Is this what old age is like? I think it may be. Regardless of this unwelcome situation, I will continue to train as hard as I ever have. The masters pushed through this. So will I. This is what made them elite.

    Website of Webster Griffin Tarpley

    mystery schools, politics, magick, occult, music, martial art, karate, yoga, podcasting