Time to Blog!

May 24, 2007

Opportunity doesn't always present itself with a ray of light from above, fireworks, or a clap of thunder. Sometimes, it just is. It doesn't look glamorous. It doesn't make you feel any better in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't change your immediate outlook. Life goes on. That is how this job at Pick N Save feels. I do appreciate the opportunity presented to me. I am making ok money to start, and down the road I should be making $15 an hour come three years or so. I will learn a trade that I can support myself with till I retire. Working as a meat cutter the next 15 years isn't a bad situation to be in. Once I become a full fledged meat cutter, I will make $40 grand a year. For Wisconsin, that is great money. The work is busy. It isn't like you are working in a factory line production mode, but it is busy. That is how these stores operate. They want you busting out the profit 100% of the time. I get my first 40 hour a week paycheck tomorrow. I am curious to see just how much I take home after taxes. Either way, this is the bottom line, I am not going to find anything better. Maybe that is what has taken the joy out of it. I know I am stuck here. If I am to be stuck, I might as well make the best of it. Like I say, things could be a hell of a lot worse for me right now. For that, I am grateful. And, I still can do other things like write and get what I write published. I can still pursue my martial arts. There isn't anything that my mind can conceive of accomplishing that this job interferes with. It is all a matter of summoning the will to do it. I am tired when I get through the end of the eight hours, but I am strong. That is something I am blessed with. I never gave up on my dreams. I may have lapses, but I haven't rolled over.

May 23, 2007

I have a zip copy of the above report ready for download. Just click on the Amnesty International Banner. Documents like this are well worth reading because you get an insight on the state of the world that you won't get on the TV. Amnesty International may be a "pinko", liberal organization by some opinion, but they are still one of the last watchdogs still standing. Once they and others like Sy Hersch are gone, the chickens in the coop won't have a chance.

Was reading a bit about Jimmy Carter blasting the Bush Administration. It didn't take long for the spin doctors to soften the criticism. I have to agree with Carter. The Elite Agenda has taken the forefront with little regard to popular opinion. In a Democracy, what "the people" are concerned about has to be addressed regardless. This isn't being done. Any criticism of the present Administration brings accusations of collaboration with terrorists. I'm not saying the Bush people called Carter and threatened him with anything of that sort, but they put the hammer down. The prevailing attidudue is you are either with us, or against us. When did questioning political motives and agendas equate with treason? Consider the following definition: A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation above the individual, stands for a centralized government, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Even Hillary Clinton said that the Bush Administration was guilty of a "plantation attitude." And as much as I loath Hillary Clinton, I agree with her on this. Since she made that comment, I haven't heard anything since. Makes you wonder. Bill Clinton said this on national TV. I heard it live and unedited, "It doesn't matter who is in the White House. Don't concern yourself if the election was stolen or not. It just doesn't matter." This may not be an exact quote, but it is darn close.

I for one am concerned, and will continue to be. I have no power to change or control what the political powers of this world decide to do with us. It is imperative to continue to have compassion for those suffering in this world. There isn't any higher calling. And as the world continues on the road to insanity, it is more important than ever to remain focused.

May 17, 2007

Several women who have had gun related experiences with Phil Spector took the stand and told their stories. Interesting how similar they sound. I have no doubts they aren't true, but that doesn't prove Spector shot Lana Clarkson in 2003. Phil has a ton of cash. I don't think he will be found guilty of first degree homicide. I don't even think he will be convicted of manslaughter. He might be found guilty of some minor charge that would put him in a special "celebrity" prison like Paris Hilton, and I don't think he would be there for long. He will get probation for a number of years after agreeing to attend anger management and/or a drug rehabilitation program. Remember, you heard it here first.

Prosecutors called Dianne Ogden, a music talent coordinator, to support its case that Spector's pattern of threatening women with guns led to the killing of actress Lana Clarkson, who was shot at Spector's suburban Alhambra mansion on Feb. 3, 2003.

Ogden testified Monday that Spector seemed to undergo a personality change as she tried to leave another Spector mansion in Pasadena after a party in 1989. "He was screaming at me, the F-word," she said. "He wasn't my Phil, not the man I loved. It wasn't him. He was demonic. It scared the hell out of me." She said he first approached her with a rifle, then picked up a pistol and "he put it all over me, yelling things." At one point, she said, Spector ordered her up to his bedroom.

"Did he try to be intimate?" asked Deputy District Attorney Pat Dixon.
"Yes he did," she said. "He did it by gunpoint. He wanted to rape me." Ogden said Spector tried to have sex with her and it was "icky."
"I had never had a sexual relationship with him," she said.
"Did you that night?" asked Dixon. "He tried," she said.

The next morning, the witness said, she awoke to Spector singing in the shower "like nothing had happened."

Melissa Grosvenor said Spector attempted to stop her leaving his Californian home in 1992 and she was in "no doubt" he would have killed her if she had gone. She said: "He walked right up to me and put the gun right up to my face and said: 'If you try to leave, I'm going to kill you'."

Stephanie Jennings, a rock photographer, also testified. She said Spector had held her hostage with a gun in a hotel room in 1995. She told the court he slapped or pushed her before pulling out a gun. When asked how she had felt at the time she said: "That I was about to get shot."

The testimony follows earlier ones, including Spector's ex-girlfriend Dorothy Melvin, who said he had threatened her with a gun when she tried to leave his home.

May 14, 2007

Am having a pleasant day reading Ingo Swann's book entitled Penetration. I have mentioned Ingo Swann before. If you are interested, plug his name into Google and knock yourself out. The weather is fantastic! Sunny, warn but not too hot. Days like this are to be savored. I have decided to put the book down (I speak metaphorically since it is in .PDF) and sit outside on my bench soaking up some well needed rays. I start my new job tomorrow. Change is good. It is unnerving, but it is good. I have experienced a great deal of change recently. I feel good about it. My mind is taking the stress well. I have come to the valuable conclusion that Life has to be attacked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Buddhism teaches the same. The martial arts also teach the same. I have mentioned the links between Buddhism and the martial arts. If this hypothesis moves you, do the research. I have done enough spoon feeding. Giving the answers first before the true question is asked serves no didactic purpose. I have reached out beyond the call of duty. I have served all who venture here well. I may come off as a loon and a crack pot, and if that be the case, I am in the company of great men and women. My own sense of greatness goes with my astrological territory. I will not be, or strive to be, something that I am not just to please the great majority. The deeper my insights, the less inclined I am to share them with the mundane that pollute the physic mind waves. How's that for a thought?

May 13, 2007

I have a few hours of painting left today. I completed the bulk of it yesterday. I didn't go out last night. I stayed home and watched some TV programs I like. The programs I do like are rare, and getting scarcer. I did like the medical drama program House. Last Monday on ABC World News tonight, they had a news story about the pharmaceutical industry coming out and admitting the dangers of their antidepressant drugs. Yes, they have caused people to commit suicide in the past. Young teens were at a higher risk of having suicidal thoughts than adults. But, according the them, the benefits so out weight the risks the industry felt it had to come out into the open with this information. The following Tuesday night I am watching House. Dr. Wilson tells Greg House he is on antidepressants and they are helping him. He puts this medication in House's coffee without telling him, and a miracle happens! House is happy now. His life is richer. He is communicating and telling people about his feelings. Suddenly, interpersonal communication skills that were nonexistent have manifested themselves out of no where. Can you say manipulation? Can you sit there and honestly tell yourself that the entertainment industry puts these programs on the air to really entertain us? It's sorcery, plain and simple. I am not saying antidepressants are bad. I do believe they help people. But selling them to the mass public in a manipulate fashion is wrong. I have no doubts people are depressed. The US economy has been gutted of high paying industrial jobs. Apparently corporate America feels that $9-10 an hour is all we are worth. Gasoline prices are sky high, and climbing. The crime rate is grossly under reported. America is a dangerous place and getting more so. Citizens are working their asses off and aren't making enough to pay the bills. What little money people had squirrelled away into 401K savings plans have been stolen or misused. The idea of retiring with dignity is a pipe dream. Is it a wonder credit card debt is out of control? Families have no choice but to borrow. Where else are they going to come up with the cash needed for food, clothing, and the necessities to educate their children? These factors don't even consider the fact that the US is on a death spiral of debt because of the our involvement in the Middle East. These factors would make any normal person depressed. Is medicating us the solution? I think not. Am I paranoid? I think not. The facts are there right in the open. I'll say it one more time; Sorcery. You chose what to believe.

May 12, 2007

I went to bed early last night so I could rise and get my dead beat ass working on an apartment I agreed to paint for my Landlady. She is a good person and she is trying to make things right. She directed me to the apprentice meat cutters position with Pick N Save. I do believe I mentioned her brother will be my boss. That is a good thing because he will watch my back. I have been on a weird mind trip this week. My loathing for the human race has peaked. Deep in my gut, I do think the greatest contribution humanity can make towards the Universe is to annihilate ourselves and end this. Look at what we have accomplished. We are destroying the planet we live on with no regard for the future. How stupid is that? We are living like animals stalking, killing and brutalizing innocents. This brutality isn't for the sole reason of survival. People do it for kicks. The average man in the street is preoccupied with hating everyone who has something he doesn't, be it wealth, intelligence, processions, looks, whatever. The human race is narrow minded, ignorant, self centered narcissists who would kill another human being for $1 if the desire moved them. Don't take my word for it. Turn on the TV and see for yourself.

Should that be reason for me to just throw my hands into the air and roll over? Does that mean I can't continue educating myself and cease the search for the true knowledge? What about my martial arts? Am I depressed to the point I am willing to just give up the things I love because the world is a garbage heap? It can't matter. If I don't find myself, and soon, I am going to lose my mind. I am going to lose my will to carry forward. I have made it this far. What I do from this day forward I do for myself. I can't help anyone rise from this cease pool. If I am the one person who keeps calm in the face of adversity refusing to yield to the madness that has consumed the rest of the great unwashed, then I am a Sage. Being wise isn't going to make me financially wealthy. It isn't going to bring me fame, or love. It has brought these things to others, but I know it won't in my case. My fate rests in walking alone and having the inner strength to be better than the average numbskull who isn't bright enough to realize he has been manipulated to the class of whipping boy. I may endure the whip, but my Mind is a private domain. This is my true procession. I can't let that go. I can't give up. I know I don't belong here in this time or this place, but I am here. There has to be a reason. The only logical explanation is that I have a responsibility to myself to create a superior individual capable of rising above this insanity. If I give up, I am no better than the rest of the maggots who rise every morning and leave no significant imprint on the ripple of Time. All they do is consume resources and excrete hate. Even if I do hate what mankind presently has become, I don't have to hate myself. In the longer range of intellectual thought, mankind may not even be totally at fault for the dismal situation he finds himself in. We are kept in the dark, and have been for a very long time. We are cattle to toil for the Masters. Is it a wonder we have lost our minds? That is still no excuse. The Truth is out there. I have stagnated. The moment I stop moving forward, I will perish. I haven't been moving forward for some time now. I allowed others to infect me with their hatred. I have not exercised my Mind or my Will to it's full capacity. I have slid closer to the dung heap that I am willing to admit. This stops now. I have said this before, but today feels right. I am seeing the Future with a different Mind. I am seeing things that have been right in front of my eyes, but mysteriously hidden from view. The secret is seeing things with your mind, not your eyes. Fight the inclination to see what things look like. Your eyes will only lie to you. Look with your MIND. This is the corner stone.

May 11, 2007

From: Ms Larisa
Date: Thu, May 10, 2007 10:14 pm

Dear Friend

My name is Ms. Larisa Sosnitskaya, personal secretary to Mr. Boris Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the arrested Chairman/Ceo of Yukos oil and bank Menatep SPB Russia, formal richest man in Russia who is presently in jail.

I have the documents of a large amount of funds which he handed over to me before he was detained and has been sentenced to jail for not paying taxes and financing political parties (the union of right forces, led by Mr. Boris Nemtsov and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky) opposed to the government of Mr. Vladmir Putin, the president thereby leading to the freezing his finances and assets. After searching through the books of your country chambers of commerce and industries here in Russia I am contacting you to assist me to re-profile this fund and equally invest this fund in your country.

The total amount of these funds to be re-profiled is forty six million dollars (USD 46,000,000.00) and you will be getting 20% for your assistance. I shall furnish you with necessary information and my identifications as soon I receive your acceptance which should be sent to my private email larisa_sos105@yahoo.com .hk

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Larisa Sosnitskaya

Note all response must be sent to my personal email box

It never ceases to amaze me that there might be people who would even consider this crap as a possible "real deal." But then again, the world is awash in scum who have turds for brains. I know the tone of my writings have become noticeably harsh in the past couple days. I am through walking on egg shells. I won't go out of my way to ridicule individual people unless they get in my face. Otherwise, I will continue to hold the belief that the general population resides on the dung heap of creation. I think the mono atomic gold has affected me. I said I would inform you if I noticed any changes or results of it's use. I am experiencing an acceleration of my thinking processes. I see things differently. I perceive a depth that has lay hidden to me. I don't know if I can afford to purchase it again. The shit is expensive! I may have to find the money; something to ponder. My route business is finished. I should have scraped this losing adventure a long time ago, but I was just too lazy. The idea of punching a time clock and dealing with fellow employees makes my stomach turn. I have no choice. I am responsible for the situation I find myself in.

May 10, 2007

I have presented this article in it's entirety. Comments to follow ...

Vegans jailed over death of baby. The baby died six weeks after birth after being fed a diet largely made up of soy milk and organic apple juice. Defence lawyers for Lamont Thomas and Jade Sanders said they had starved their child unintentionally by adhering to a strictly vegan diet.

But prosecutors in the US city of Atlanta said the couple had deliberately neglected their child. "No matter how many times they want to say, 'We're vegans, we're vegetarians,' that's not the issue in this case," Prosecutor Chuck Boring is quoted by the Associated Press news agency as saying. "The child died because he was not fed. Period," he said. Strict vegans adhere to a diet that avoids all animal products.

Crown Shakur weighed 3.5lb (1.6kg) at the time of his death in April 2004. The baby was born in a bathtub in the couple's house.

Defence lawyer Brandon Lewis is quoted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper as saying the couple did not take their child to a doctor because they feared hospitals were full of germs, and did not realise the baby's life was in danger until it was too late.

A jury deliberated for seven hours before delivering its verdict on 2 May. Sentencing the couple, the judge said the murder verdict made the life sentence mandatory. Jade Sanders told the judge: "I loved my son - and I did not starve him."

According to the AP news agency, Lamont Thomas complained that he had not known he was being tried for a felony - rather than the lesser offence of a misdemeanour. "We had no idea involuntary manslaughter was a felony. We were told for three years this was a misdemeanour," he reportedly said. "It takes money to prove this wasn't a felony - money we don't have."

Prosecutor Mike Carlson told the jury during closing arguments: "They're not vegans. They're baby killers!"

From reading this article, I gather that adhering to a diet that avoids all animal products includes mother's milk. There are reasons some people should not bring children into the world, and I am afraid this is an example. How dense can you be? I realize that you can't know everything there is to know about raising a child. There are people who will help answer questions you have about things you don't understand. What idiot needs to be told it's not ok for a baby to weigh 3.5 pounds at 6 weeks? Come on, let's get real here. These folks are swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, and humanity doesn't need any more idiots. We have an abundance of fools, morons, and mental pigmies. If the US is so hot on outsourcing, why don't they figure out a way to round up the defectives, and ship them off to another country. And not knowing that manslaughter is a felony offence? The judge should have ordered this couple to be sterilized before they send them off to prison where the potential to breed is still a possibility. The only thing this bozo got right was knowing it cost money to keep your felonious ass out of the slammer.

May 8, 2007

Three more days left to drive around and deliver these worthless stinking newspapers. Tomorrow is going to be a heavy load. I have to deliver the Onion, the Badger Herald, and the Daily Cardinal all on the same route. My van is stuffed to capacity and it takes about an hour to load it all. I will be so glad when tomorrow is finished. It should be all downhill the rest of the week. I think I will head to that nightclub I like this coming Saturday night. My new position starts next week, and this might be the last opportunity I have to sit back and relax for awhile. The department I will be working with is short handed, and it looks like I may be working Sundays also. I need the money. I take full responsibility for the financial situation I currently find myself. I tried to make this delivery business work, but I was a fool to think that new routes would open, or that I would get them. New routes did open, but they were passed along to those independent contractor drivers that accepted being supervised. That has been the problem all along. Being supervised was not acceptable to me, and it isn't even legal. I could contact the IRS and shove a lawsuit up their ass, but I have decided to just quietly disappear into the sunset. The other drivers can act like personal slaves. What do you expect from fools? I will not play the role. The money has been pathetic! If you want me to play a fool, you have to pay me a whole lot more. I will make this new job work. It looks like I will start next Tuesday, a week from today.

May 7, 2007

For those of you who need to be lead by the hand, I will oblige. The comments made May 4, 2007 have many meanings. It is really up to you to put the pieces together. That is the journey. That is the secret. Let me give you some clues as to what POWER is and why it is. Knowledge is power. Why is that? What is knowledge? I'm talking in circles, and yet my point is straight line. POWER is energy. That is what man has strived to uncover and covet. Knowledge is power because it is energy. You don't study knowledge for FACT. Knowledge does not require a conclusion. There is no conclusion to arrive at! It is energy. Energy takes on many forms. Here is one example - the energy of the stars (astrology, astronomy, physics, mathematics). Each discipline is an energy field. HOW you fashion that energy, how you harness it and use it to accomplish a specific goal, that is the key. The power of letter and word. That is energy. It isn't what you say (the surface grammar, the words, the letters strung out on a page) that conveys the message. The true power is the transfer of energy from the power of letter to the marriage of MIND. That is power. The power to influence, to manipulate, to guide, to teach, to impart a thought. That is Power. It is all about the TRANSMUTATION of ENERGY. The alchemy of transmutation (metals, the mind, the body, the spirit). Discovering energy and the power to transform it into a vehicle of power. To harness energy to fashion tools, be they physical or mental. That is the secret of the ages. But to understand this, you have to look beyond the surface. The surface of perception is the abode of the fool. He knows nothing. He sees only that what he is told to see. He doesn't have the WILL or the MIND to understand. Why do you think the ancient knowledge is so guarded? The fool is not able to comprehend it, and he is not worthy of it. The secrets have to be uncovered by those men willing to look and those special men who have the WILL to see. We live in a three dimensional plane of existence. The true secret of knowledge mirrors this existence. It isn't what you see on the surface that conveys the power. Knowledge is a HOLOGRAM. Think about it. You look at a mathematical formula. What are you really looking at? A mathematical representation of ENERGY. A three dimensional hologram of the universe. Math isn't just numbers on a page that add up to something. They are a vehicle of power that transmute simple figures into a living, breathing model of motion, of biological function, of mass. They create life. That is power. Power is the act of creation. The power of creation is the power of Destiny. What is DESTINY? The knowledge of energy and how to fashion it to your WILL. The modern Satanist understands. Take heed of what I just said. If you are paying attention, you have taken the first step. If you are blind sided by mere appearance of letters, you will never separate yourself from the rest of the herd. One last thought ... three dimensional plane - hologram - pyramid. This Blog is a vast archive of links to knowledge. You have the power to use it to your will. If you think I have gathered it for the reason of coming to a conclusion of some kind, you are a moron. I laugh when people look at me. They only see letters on a page. "Man only believes with his eye, and his eyes they just tell him lies" Bob Dylan. I have done you a great service today. I have given you a key. I will not tell you where the lock is. I will tell you where the treasure is buried; it is HERE! Am I crazy? Just on the surface ... "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" Aleister Crowley.

May 4, 2007

"It is important that one should arrive at a decision after examining the issue with an impartial attitude while determining what is good and what is bad on the basis of understanding the entire, actual history behind it."

Speech to an Audience Dominated by Tibetans from Tibet During the Spring Teachings of March 2006.

The following speech addresses the question of the Dholgyal issue, also known as the Shugden issue. For those of you unfamiliar with the present religious/political conflicts in Tibet, it is worth looking into. If you don't really care about the future of Tibet, and the People's Republic of China's (PRC) political manuverings, that is your business. Oh, I mentioned the People's Republic of China! That must make me a Communist. I also mentioned the Dalai Lama. What does that make me? For those of you prone to snap judgements and bigotry, I ask the question.

I like the quotation. It puts the entire Time to Blog! experience in a perfect nutshell. I couldn't state the purpose of why I do research any more concisely than this. That is of course if I was prone to an explanation. I am not. I have researched the Shugden issue, and I have links here somewhere. So, for those of you who have visited me, the topic isn't new. I mention it because the Dalai Lama was in Madison, WI. these past three days lecturing. I listened to him on an Internet radio station. His closing remarks were on this very issue. It surprised me to actually hear his Holiness speak of it, but since the significance goes far beyond spiritual salvation, it shouldn't have. It is such a controversial topic. That is the reason I wasn't expecting to hear about it. I mentioned something controversial! Dear me, I aplogise to all of you readers who shun controversy. Hate to make you feel uncomfortable. You just run along and join the rest of the sheep. In fact, I heard that Britney Spears has a yeast infection. You might want to check that out.

May 3, 2007

If I start something, I finish it. I said I would keep tabs on Gary Glitter's situation. Looks like his sentence is carved in stone. Gary, I can't preach to you. My life is no example of shining success. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't look back and regret things I have done. Life has treated me with disdain, and for little reason. I haven't always deserved to be treated like a pile of shit, but I have. On the other hand, I have hurt people. I didn't intend to, but it happened. I have to accept responsibility for this. I have to forgive myself for being human. And, I have to move forward. I find it hard to believe that all things happen for a reason, but the sages among us have taught me this. I have to trust their judgment. I try and take this knowledge and create something positive out of the chaos that life is. In the end, none of us deserve to suffer, but we do. A great deal of the suffering we experience is of our own making. There is a reason you aren't getting the amnesty. Take this time and accept responsibility for the wrongs you have committed. Don't blame others for the situation you are in. You have to take responsibility. Once you do that you can begin to forgive yourself. Your life isn't over. It really doesn't make any difference if you die in a penthouse surrounding by the material trappings that wealth creates, or you die in a stink hole. If you don't make peace with yourself, it doesn't matter.

Jailed British rocker Gary Glitter's request for early release has failed after he was refused amnesty for his crimes Monday.

Glitter was hoping Monday's Liberation Day celebrations in the country would give him a chance of early freedom. However, he was not among the 400 prisoners who had their sentences cut as the nation celebrated. The government amnesty often happens on major national holidays.

The 62-year-old will be jailed until November 2008 but a ruling earlier this year will reportedly see the star released three months early, in August 2008.

May 2, 2007

I had bought a $10 special lottery ticket for the May Millionaire Contest. The odds were good; 500,000 to ONE shot at $1 million. There were also prizes of $100,000 (10 winners) - $1,000 (500 winners). I did not win anything. The winning number for the $1 million prize (ONE winner) was 165681. There was a winning ticket for $100,000 that had a number of 123360. MY NUMBER was 123856. I bought a single ticket. Oh well, just more hard earned cash flushed down the toilet. I have decided to cool it on the lottery expenditures. No more Badger 5 for awhile. My luck has turned south. If the Powerball reaches $100 million, I'll take a shot. Here is a list of ALL WINNING NUMBERS for this Wisconsin Special May Lottery Drawing.

When I was growing up, it was taught that if you built a better mouse trap, you could get rich. This was ok with Uncle Sam. Innovating was good for the country. It created growth and jobs. Jobs create a growing tax basis. It didn't matter if you got filthy stinking rich, as long as didn't try and screw the Government. Dr. Jackson's company has amassed over 3.4 million grams of fine gold since 1996. Are things changing? Is this part of the reason egold has been targeted, again?

People fear things they don't understand. From what I have been reading, the Government hasn't got a clue as to how Digital Currency works. Is it a power trip? There has to be reasons beyond the face of the charges, which are flimsy at best. If a man buys a gun at your firearm store and kills someone with it, you aren't held accountable if you followed all the rule surrounding the sale of that weapon. It has to be determined if egold did all it could within the current legal climate to stop illegal entities from abusing the system. If you look at the evidence, egold has. Let's be realistic. The DGC phenomena is running ahead of the laws needed to regulate it effectively. That doesn't make egold, or any of the exchange houses required to convert Digital Currency into cash criminals. Despite this, e-currency exchange brokers are being shut down. If not for the Internet news services, these strong arm tactics would go unnoticed by the general public. Unknown here in the US anyway. I want to close on this note. Here is a transcript of Dr. Jackson, Chairman of e-Gold, before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. This testimony took place on Thursday, September 21, 2006. Download it and read it. After you read the document, look at the charges being levied. It doesn't add up. The only conclusion I can come up with presently is that egold is getting too powerful and the Government sees them as a legitimate threat to the current global banking system.

Transcript of Dr. Jackson

May 1, 2007

Trials for the former leaders of the Khmer Rouge have moved a step closer.

Cambodia's Bar Association has dropped a demand that foreign lawyers taking part in the process should pay thousands of dollars in fees. It was the main sticking point which had prevented local and UN-appointed legal officials agreeing on the ground rules for the trials.

After almost a year of wrangling, the way is nearly clear for the special courts to start work in earnest. The bar association will now ask for a US$500 (£250) payment from each foreign lawyer hoping to represent clients and the ground rules for the trials may finally be approved. The international judges had refused to move forward unless the bar association backed down. They said the fees might deprive defendants or witnesses of the counsel of their choice - and leave the whole process vulnerable to legal challenges.

The international side may have achieved their goal - but the argument exposed the extent of the divisions between local and UN-appointed staff at the courts. As the row rumbled on, the two sides exchanged strong words in press releases from the courts' public affairs office. The future of the trials may depend on whether those relationships can be repaired.

The next step is to call a meeting to approve the ground rules. But agreement cannot be taken for granted. A similar meeting last year ended in disarray.

Pol Pot is dead. This trial is a joke and a slap in the face of every decent man, woman, and child alive in Cambodia today. 20 years have gone past and not one single individual has been brought to justice for the atrocities that occurred. I knew a woman who survived the killing fields. She dealt cards in Las Vegas. I know I have mentioned this sometime and someplace in this Blog. When she told me she was from Kampuchea, I said, "you were there when Pol Pot was in power?" She was shocked that I even knew about him. As far as any of those involved were concerned, Pol Pot was an unknown maniac killing the population with impunity. They believed he was unknown because no one cared what was going on their country. After reading the following articles, it is clear that people knew what was going on, and they didn't care. Read the following documentation.

Pol Pot and Us Involvement in the Killing Fields of Cambodia

The egold indictment is getting press! I didn't see much of anything the last time around, but the story is out there now. Read some of the current views if you are so inclined. I have to laugh. Some editors are clearly trying to suck up to the Government. They have all but found Dr. Jackson guilty. Again I see comments being made based on opinion that are then used as fact in following paragraphs. Cheap shots prove nothing and do not add substance to weak journalism. If you read the indictment, it clearly states that Dr. Jackson and egold are innocent till proven otherwise.

Dr. Jackson Speaks on his Behalf
E-Gold Founder Calls Indictment a Farce
E-gold Charged with Money Laundering
DOJ busts E-gold