March 2011

March 30, 2011

The store I work at; more correctly, the entire string of stores owned by the investment venture that owns them, and the one I work at, is once again up for sale. With the margins on grocery turnover cut to the bone and inflation forth coming, the smart money won't be investing $1.2 billion in this sector. Wal Mart could. Other than them, I see no candidates. This isn't paranoia, but the hostility levels have increased substantially in the past 2-3 weeks. I feel like the employees are being horse whipped for it. It isn't our fault no one in their right business mind is going to spend $1 billion right now. What ever the reasoning, my store is now a shit hole to work in. It was bad enough. Now, it's intolerable. I had hoped to make it through the summer. I still may. A plan B would be prudent. Cold hard reality is this. I'm 55. This is probably the last job I will ever have. The other alternative is being self employed. I am not able to accomplish this task presently. Keeps coming back to the stick. If I don't whip myself into shape, someone else is going to be calling the shots. I will continue to be surrounded by well paid Neanderthals. I don't want to do this anymore.


Just surfing the news. Found this article.

POLL - President Obama's Birth Certificate

I don't normally read the dribble section, aka The Comments. This one stood out
Obama was born in Kenya. Upon learning of that, the grandparents in HI contacted the vital statistics..., told them their grandson was born at their home (birth announcement goes out, with their address in HI, COLB issued) and when their daughter returned to HI, she was a single mom with a child, (American citizens) eligible for food stamps and govt assistance. Simple as that. The long form, issued at Coast Hospital in Mombasa is the one Obama does not want you to see. You apologists shoot your mouths off without any investigation into the facts. Obama also uses the SS # of a person from CT who died in 1981 and would now be 120 yrs old if alive. He has used numerous other SS #'s, none of which are his own. That is a felony called Identity Theft. And, Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, became a citizen of Indonesia, and his religion was Muslim. How did he once more become a legal naturalized citizen when there is no record to be found of his naturalization (not eligible to run for POTUS), which would make him an illegal alien? Do your research. As Trump now says, 'this is a big deal'. If Obama is a fraud, felon, illegal, nothing he has signed, nothing he has done, no appointment's that he has made are legal. Addressing Obama's eligibility is the NUMBER ONE ISSUE!

March 29, 2011

The Situation after the Tohoku-Pacific Earthquake(March 28, 2011)

The Japanese putting forth the best face evaluation of the radiation leakage coming out of their crippled nuclear facility. Even so, this information is devastating. What is done is done, but holy shit!

March 27, 2011

It is hard to imagine that I sat here in March and commented nothing on Egypt, Libya, or on any of the endless financial circus acts. I haven't put up a document. That says something.

This nuclear disaster in Japan really kicked the shit out of me. This article doesn't pull any punches. It's worth a read. While the mass media has all but dropped its interest in the Fukushima crisis to focus on Libya, the nuclear nightmare only worsens, as Japanese authorities admit that reactor number 3, which is the only reactor to contain MOX plutonium is now leaking.

Also, look at this ...

By Dr Frank Barnaby, Oxford Research Group/
Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace International.
February 2001

Now, more than ever, I need to wake up.

March 25, 2011

I believe it is safe to say this has been the slowest month I've experienced. If I was a business, I'd be bankrupt. I haven't made any new pages. I haven't uploaded any good documents. I haven't made any brilliant, insightful, or sarcastic remarks. I've grown soft and lazy. Why try when the life you thought you might be able to pull out of the hat is destroyed in front of your own very eyes. I wish I was a bit more upbeat. I'm not. I don't know when or even if I will be able to see anything positive happening down the pipe. The only thing positive put forth into the chaos is that which I guide. Knowing it and doing it are a universe apart. Language is all I need to focus on. My plans revolve around this foundation. I have no reason to fail. I haven't made the commitment. There isn't much time left to put it together. I'm wasting it.


Hakeem J. Stevens, charged with first-degree reckless endangerment and other felonies
for allegedly robbing and trying to shoot another man on Allied Drive on March 16.
*Dane County Sheriff's Office

Madison is crawling with people like this.

March 18, 2011

I'm tired. This isn't a new development. I've been tired for 40 years. I clearly remember nights laying in bed as a young 24 year old man. I was physically beat. The physical demands needed to earn a living were ridiculous. These demands haven't let up. Life is not meant to be lived this way.

This is a frightening thought, but it has to be looked at seriously. I am not going to be able to sustain the pace necessary to keep my job for the next seven years. The idea of riding it out till retirement is a death wish. I have no choice but to move forward with my plans. I have a lot of work to do.

I remember saying it shouldn't matter how insane the world gets. I was bound and determined to stay focused. It isn't that easy. My Mind and Body are taking a beating. Everything must be done every day in small increments. I can do better.

March 9, 2011

I got these statistics from Powershell ...

I am 20300 days old. I am 55.616 years old. I am 676.666 months old.

Tight numerics; [5-6]. I like it.

March 8, 2011

Been thinking over my "bugging out" scenario. Still looks good. The reins have been slack. This isn't good posture.

March 1, 2011

Hello March! I got out of bed early to catch up on the news. Nothing new happening. I found this correlation interesting; Charlie Sheen and Moammar Gadhafi are the big headliners. Seems fitting. Looks like both of their "careers" are swiftly coming to an end.

Powershell & Me

Smalltalk & Me

mystery schools, politics, magick, occult, music, martial art, karate, yoga, podcasting