July 2015


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I had posted my thoughts concerning a neighbor some months ago when I was living in Stoughton, Wi. I remember they were harsh and revising them, only to back-peddle on some observations and predictions regarding his possible future. As usual, my observations were correct and I know even though I may come off sounding self righteous, my gut feelings about human nature are correct. This ass hole is one piece of work. It is a joy not to be associated with him. It is only a matter of time before this useless pile of dog shit is back in prison where he belongs. That is all I am going to say about this.

Hello July! Time is going quickly. I have stuck to my plan on improving myself financially since I moved to Dubuque, IA. After the fiasco of 2014, I needed to kick myself in the ass.

I still have work to do on making myself a better human being. This work will not end or reach a completion during the course of my remaining lifetime, but at least I can say I am aware of the need and will continue to focus on this goal.

Google is slowly and surely weeding my site form it's search engine. Since these pages are not specifically designed for the mobile market, they are not showing up anymore. I have given up on the blog for the most part. The site is an archive now, and that is OK. I accomplished a great deal and I am pleased with the small, and most likely, insignificant contribution to the World Wide Web.

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