February 2011


February 28, 2011

Last day of the month and it has been customary for me to write something about the month. It is a good time to evaluate what I'm doing and where I see myself heading. In a nutshell, I'm doing well. I am headed in the right direction. I continue moving forward.

I haven't posted any pictures to the Wall of Shame aka "I woke up this morning and decided to flush my life down the toilet." This wall has been reserved for the criminal element committing heinous crimes against humanity or people of wealth and influence who pulled a boner of some sort and tossed it all away. The main reason I haven't posted any pictures lately is simply this. I am in no position to judge anyone. I have and it was wrong when I did, and it is still wrong for me to judge anyone else. I am not a saint. I have not lead an exemplary life. I am just as weak as the next person. The only thing that sets me a part from the rest of the herd is I am willing to admit it and more than willing to change. If I have a personal agenda, this is it.

Unless you are living in a cave, you have read or even heard Charlie Sheen's words these past couple weeks. The reason I am posting his picture, and officially adding it to The Wall is for this reason; his arrogance proclaims his own ignorance. He thinks he is a superior human being? If Charlie Sheen woke up this morning and had to live at the current standard of living that 95% of us do, and do well I might add, he'd be on his knees in five minutes crying like a baby. This man isn't better than anyone. Charlie Sheen is a fool. He has threatened and insulted the very people who have made his extravagant lifestyle possible. Charlie Sheen is an idiot. These pornography stars he is running with don't give a rat's ass about him. He is being used. He had a loving wife and family. He threw it away. By the time the smoke clears, Charlie Sheen will have nothing.

February 27, 2011

The vacation is over. It was short. The time I have to get my act finally together is as short. Looks like I will need another lifetime to make things right; more than likely a few thousand more.

February 25, 2011

“In ancient times, once a god’s secret name had been discovered, the enemies of his people could do destructive magic against them with it. The Romans made a regular practice of discovering the secret names of enemy gods and summoning them to Rome with seductive promises, a process technically known as ‘elicio’ … Naturally, the Romans, like the Jews, hid the secret name of their own guardian deity with extraordinary care.”

Corporate Frankenstein:
A Special Essay by Tracy R. Twyman

As I was saying ... the power of language. And speaking there of; this article kicks ass.

February 24, 2011

"It's a backward planet full of superstitious, xenophobic morons. Nothing makes sense if they didn't think of it first. And, even then, it's simplistic drivel. Beg pardon, are you from there?"

"If Earth is remembered at all, it will probably be for the quality of it's manual labor."

-Dominar Rygel XVI

Quotes from the science fiction television Farscape.
Season 4 Episode 17 - A Constellation of Doubt

The human race summed up in two sentences. How is that for elegance?

My vacation is nearing an end. The thought of returning to work is unpleasant, but the pay is decent. I did accomplish something during my time off. I got my head wrapped around Powershell. It only took me two years. Now, the real work begins. When it is all said and done, one constant remains; there is never enough time. By this time next year, I should be well on my way to living a life more of my own volition. This too remains to be seen.

February 21, 2011

The sight of imbeciles stampeding to buy trinkets makes me shudder. I see this to a lesser degree at the grocery store I work in. Whenever the forecast calls for snow, the herd comes to the store to buy food like there is no tomorrow. This is people who have lived in Wisconsin their entire lives. They are fat, stupid, and addicted. Look at the people in this video; fat ignorant slobs. This is why I have made the plans I have made. I hope the wheels don't fall off the cart before I have the opportunity to put these actions into full gear. All I have to do is Run Silent and Run Deep. When the shit hits the fan there really isn't going to be anywhere on the face of the globe that will be a safe haven. Despite this reality, I plan on moving forward.

February 16, 2011

WWW watchdogs teach English teacher a lesson - ignore America's problems. Our kids are doing splendidly. If you think otherwise you will be put in your place.

FEASTERVILLE, Pa. – A high school English teacher in suburban Philadelphia was suspended for posting these observations of her students,
My students are out of control," Munroe, who has taught 10th, 11th and 12th grades, wrote in one post. They are rude, disengaged, lazy whiners. They curse, discuss drugs, talk back, argue for grades, complain about everything, fancy themselves entitled to whatever they desire, and are just generally annoying ... They want everything right now. They want it yesterday ... They get angry when you ask them to think or be creative ... The students are not being held accountable.
Munroe has hired an attorney, who said that she had the right to post her thoughts on the blog and that it's a free speech issue. The attorney, Steven Rovner, said the district has led Munroe to believe that she will eventually lose her job,

"She could have been any person, any teacher in America writing about their lives," he said, pointing out that Munroe blogged about 85 times and that only about 15 to 20 of the posts involved her being a teacher. "It's honest and raw and a little edgy depending on your taste. ... She has a deep frustration for the educational system in America."

Rovner said that he would consider legal action if indeed Munroe loses her job,

"She did it as carefully as she could," he said about her blog. "It's so general that it applies to the problems in school districts and schools across the country."

Just an observation here ... there are moments when I am spot on.

February 13, 2011

I have read news stories about people getting fired because they wrote something on a personal blog unpleasant or derogatory about their boss or the company they work for. A misfired Tweet has cost people their livelihoods. A potential employer does more than browse your resume; he is collecting data on you from the Internet. The Internet is the greatest tool for self improvement that has yet to be invented. I told people in the late '90's, "the Internet is the university of the world." I still believe this, and I have taken full advantage of it. The WWW is also a double edged sword. There is enough derogatory and revealing information on Time to Blog! to bury me. I don't honestly care. I know the information I have gathered and published here has value. I have made a few controversial 'tweets' here and there, but nothing that might be considered radical or subversive. Yet, I am paranoid. I am not as free as I have been in the past to lay it all out there for the world to peruse. I am a private person. I have and I will share information about myself. The magician has taught us, "there is power in name." If you know a demons name, you have power over him. Information is power. This power can be used to help or harm. Perhaps this is why I have been relatively silent. Given the present climate, I may have to continue with these thoughts in mind.

I have a week's vacation coming up soon. I have a great deal of work to accomplish during this hiatus from the meat grinder. I promise I will work some down time into my busy schedule. My future plans hold promise. I will say this; working for bean counters never improves. You are a commodity that can be bought and sold. When they have finished with you they will toss your old, beaten carcass out the front door. This is why I have decided to take matters into my own hands. 2010 was a banner year financially. 2011 is running full bore. If I can keep the wheels from falling off the wagon and stick to my plans, I can walk away from this insane asylum I am presently indentured to and find peace.

February 9, 2011

Time to Blog! has reached burnout. I remember the daily thrill I received by posting hard to find documents or other items I felt were newsworthy and needed to be archived somewhere in this vast universe of cyberspace. I have lost that spark. The onslaught of data bombarding me 24 hours a day, seven days a week has taken it's toll. I think that is why I have shut down. This is a shame because my writing skills need honing. It is like anything else. If you stop using something it withers and dies. If you loose passion for the things in life that bring you joy, you stagnate and you die. I'm not ready to throw in the towel.

I mentioned that I have a plan. I do. I think it is a good one. The wheels are in motion. I am doing well; further details to follow. In the meantime, here is a real dandy of a document I was reading. It has excellent footnotes and links to supporting evidence. This is the kind of document worthy of Time to Blog! Preliminary "Indictment for Torture": George W. Bush brought pusuant to the Convention Against Torture*

February 2, 2011

The more things change, the more they stay the same. This holds true as the centuries pass. As far as my personal life is concerned, this statement doesn't hold true. The more things change, the more I change with them. I have put plans into place that will greatly affect my life. I have made a commitment to this change. This is a new and frightening situation, but it is what I need. The unknown is always a scary place and this is where I am heading. God speed ...

Powershell & Me

Smalltalk & Me

mystery schools, politics, magick, occult, music, martial art, karate, yoga, podcasting