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February 26, 2009

I have been writing a blog about Luciferian Gnosis. This work is in it's infancy. It isn't meant to be a tell all and know all. I am going to attempt a more left hand perspective to the Gnostic concepts. A balanced approach is sorely needed. And, I get to toss in my own personal slant on the present to boot. I will keep this project separate from Time To Blog! I may put a link in the "occult" tab, but that would be it. I figure if you want to look you make the choice. I am not going to be twisting any arms to read this material.

Randy Mark Yager

Check this boy out from Wisconsin.
Date of birth: Aug. 7, 1956
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 235 pounds
Scars/Tattoos: Left and right arms
Reward: Up to $25,000

Yager was the regional president of the Outlaws and one of 17 club members indicted by a Wisconsin federal grand jury in June 1997 on charges including murder, arson, possession and use of explosives, robbery, burglary, trafficking in stolen motor vehicles and narcotics violations. He was last known to be in Las Vegas.

Seen me? Call 800-336-0102

February 18, 2009

I do not see racism here. I do not see a vielded slur of assasination. I see a jab at the Democratic Party for handing the American people a deplorable, if not the most pathetic piece of legislation to come down the pike. This Stimulus Bill is so poor, a monkey must have written it. That is what I see and I am as white as the next cracker. I read a couple news stories. Al Sharpton was jumping up and down screaming blatant racism. I swear from reading the comments made about this cartoon, I thought the artist had drawn in Obama's face on the chimp! It didn't happen.

February 18, 2009

I am positive I have a link here to the document The Illuminati Agenda (Transcript of 1967 Recording By Myron C. Fagan). I have no clue as to the month or year, but it has to be in the NWO phase I went through. Here is a You Tube video ( in parts) of his transcript. The author is not mentioned in the video, nor is the year of publication. The year is important. This transcript was published 42 years ago. The modus operandi hasn't changed. I had to add this. The digital age repackages the knowledge, but it is still the same message. I have in my collections somewhere, or I know I had them, a recording of this transcript in Fagan's own voice. The narration in the background of these videos is the same actual recording I have of Fagan reading them. I have the voice files on MP3. I have the written transcript in .PDF They match 100% Clean information.

February 17, 2009

Here is an interview with Bruce Lee. This video shows insight into the man he was, and where he was going. It is a shame he died young, but his early death ensured his immortality. I tremendously enjoyed this interview.
Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview (Complete) video

This is a dismal prediction for what lies in store for the US 2009 economy. I made a joke to a co-worker the other day, "hey, we are living the American dream. We have a job. It doesn't matter if our employers treat us like slaves, we are blessed."
The predictions in the following video are dire.

I am seriously considering writing a new blog focusing on the LHP, and Luciferian Gnosticism in particular.
You can find the link on my Home Page under the "Occult" tab. Here is the link:
The Left Hand of Sanity

Took a long walk today. Spring is in the air. The forecast is for eight inches of new snow tonight, but we are closer to the end of this winter season than the beginning. The bitter cold is behind us. Temps in the teens to upper thirties are more the norm. Soon, I will be getting up early and training outside. I have decided to get back into fighting shape out of a desire to improve my present living situation and to prepare for the great unrest that I know is coming. As long as I decide to stay walking upright, I will not take shit from anyone . I do have to take a small amount of grief from my employer, but I am getting paid for it.

This is a dandy:

February 16, 2009

Here is a clip of a woman who missed her flight. She obviously has some deep rooted emotional problems, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have to head out to work soon. I am feeling weakened by this cold I am fighting off. I can make it through the day.


February 14, 2009

Drove to Madison this morning and visited Circuit City. I took advantage of their going out of business situation and picked up a HP Deskjet D4360 for $75 total; including the cost of buying a USB cable. Not a bad deal. I remember paying around $250 for my now worthless HP Laserjet 1000. Hardware is a snap to install unless something goes wrong. When it comes to trouble shooting, printers are the worse and I had to figure out why I could not get this device printing. After a number of feeble attempts, the printer managed to send me a message that it needed to align the new ink cartridges I put in. That was the ticket. It looks good. I hope it stays that way. I don't use the printer often, but when it comes time to copy documents/forms off the Internet ( like tax forms) it is imperative to have a working machine. Fighting a cold today. I wasn't feeling all that hot yesterday either. When I feel like this, I just tell my body to suck it up. I refuse to believe I am actually sick. If I am not experiencing projectile vomiting or explosions of putrid crap shooting out of my anus, I just keep moving. One thing about this printer, the instruction on how to correctly insert the ink cartridges was horse shit. I finally turned the power on and this arm thing swung into place and I could see where I was supposed to insert them. Otherwise, I didn't have a clue. The picture showing how to stick them in was worthless. At least I got the damn thing operating.

February 11, 2009

Big Brother: The Big Picture (David Icke)
I seem to be finding David Icke video lately. He may not have all the answers, but his research is eye opening. His research is solid. Some of his conclusions are way out there, but as the saying goes, "truth is stranger than fiction." To find truth, you have to digest all the facts no matter how outrageous they may be. His methodology is sound. I have to give him that. Are there actual shape shifting reptilian hybrids living among us? Are they the Illuminati? Have these reptilian offspring been ruling planet Earth for all these thousands of years? It is hard to fathom. I do believe in a unified agenda by powers behind the curtain pulling the strings. I do believe in a secret agenda to create a New World Order. If you have read what I have been writing these past number of years, you know where I stand. You might think I am crazy as a shit house rat. Since September 11, 2001 the world I thought existed ceased to exist. I am pleased that the new stimulus package contains monies to create an environment to make the US the world leader in broadband. There is a push towards Information Technology (IT). I have to start at square one (A+ Certification), proceed to square two (Network+ Certification), and then keep moving forward. If I can't get hired because corporate morons think I am too old, I will get a grant and start a business. There is hope unless the Obama Administration is unable to curb the coming global collapse, or the Powers That Be force this collapse down our throats. Regardless, I have to plan ahead to cover all contingencies, and Information Technology is the best shot I have. And, I have to keep coming back to these; writing and martial arts. If I don't have a foundation, I am fucked and martial arts has been a refuge for a very long time. I have let this slide, and that is why I have been lethargic, despondent, and left with feelings of powerlessness. My fate is in my own hands.

Corroborating documentation to David Icke's lecture:

February 8, 2009

It is late afternoon and I have slept the day away. I must have needed the sleep, or I am in the throes of a lingering apathy. If this is the case, what else is new? I went to Club Inferno last night. It was a large crowd and exciting in most respects. I didn't talk to many people because they had no desire to speak with me. I am the epitome of The Loner. Even if I wish company, it eludes me. This is my Path, and I will walk it alone. Better to get done what's need to be done without distraction. Just finished watching Part I of the interview with Credo Mutwa. It makes me question my belief system concerning the LHP. Is the Left Hand Path the philosophy of the Reptile? I am starting to think it is, and if that is so, am I sabotaging my chance to free myself from this prison of rebirth? I still think humanity is a herd of ignorant fools. Did humanity choose this path of ignorance? It hardly seems likely. I have to hold human beings responsible for continuing to wallow in stupidity. With the advent of the Internet, the knowledge of the entire world is available with a few clicks of the mouse. I am living proof of that. I have learned more in the past few years through my own explorations than I ever learned in school. If we are being manipulated, if Satan is the master Reptile, than what does that say about followers of the LHP? Are we just being fooled into believing that these manipulative beings give a damn about us few who embrace the pursuit of knowledge and destain for the herd? Evidence points to the following conclusion ... only those selected few who are direct bloodline descendants of the Reptile are cared for. The rest of us are cattle. I find wisdom in the LHP. I found wisdom in the words of Lord Buddha. What am I to believe? Living a life being more concerned with others than myself was disastrous. There has to be a middle ground solution. Credo Mutwa correctly predicted the present financial crisis, and said that the reptilian bloodlines ruling the Earth would drag humanity right into hell if need be to re-establish the control they feel is slipping through their fingertips. Credo Mutwa said a situation is coming where money will be destroyed and all of us would be reduced into beggars. The prediction was made in 2003, the year that this DVD set was produced. This prediction has come to pass. I have had visions of my own; insights you might call them. Many of them have also come to pass. When I hear Credo Mutwa speak, I know he is telling it as he sees it. He isn't just flapping his lips. Many of his conclusions are the same I have come to. Perhaps it best to focus on the one thing I have always returned to; my martial art training. Time to let the past go and concentrate on becoming who I am. "Physician - Heal Thyself!"

February 5, 2009

I'm The Slime
by Frank Zappa

I am gross and perverted
I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin' out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't got for one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks ...
Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin' along on your livin'room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go

You have got to appreciate the genius of Frank Zappa. Moving along to other matters ...
It looks like the wheels are wobbling on the Obama bandwagon. The Republicans and Rush Limbaugh are more concerned with their own self righteous and self interests than their concern for the millions of us who are suffering because of the global financial collapse. And it doesn't help matters any that Democrats saw this economic stimulus bill as an opportunity to stick their snouts in the trough. But then again, what do they care about us? They tell us they care when they run for office, and when they get elected it is back to business as usual; stuffing tax payer cash into their pockets. Obama isn't going to change jack shit till he realizes that Washington is a cesspool of graft and corruption. Wait, I forgot! He is a product of the Chicago machine. Surely he understands what is going down in DC. I have to ask myself ... what the hell is going on then? Is he inept or just naive? I just watched a video of Karl Rove talking about what is wrong with this stimulus package, and as much as I think Karl Rove is a snake worth squashing, he made a strong argument why this package, as it stands today, is a disaster waiting to happen. Senator Graham of South Carolina (R) is presenting a revised bill that sounds good. He made the point that the process that is presently putting this monster of a bill together "is not smart." He said Obama has been "AWOL as far as providing leadership on something as important as this." His view of the Obama approach to getting this bill through amounts to nothing more than trying to scare people. Such is life in the USA. Every day I wake up the fear levels are rising on all fronts; the economy, employment/financial security. I am in the throes of an angst I have never experienced. I have to believe that the plan I have in place will see me through not only this year, but the remainder of my living days on planet Earth.

February 4, 2009

The Great Depression of the 21st Century

with Michel Chossudovsky

Causes and consequences of the financial meltdown;
The speculative onslaught;
Financial fraud and the "bank bailouts";
Bankruptcy of the real economy;
Impacts on employment, wages and social services;
Towards a spiralling public debt;
The economic crisis and its relationship to the Middle East war;
The centralization of corporate power;
The concentration of wealth;
The globalization of poverty.

What are the policy alternatives?

Click HERE to watch this informative video. I promised myself I wasn't going to obsess about this shit, but I have to keep my eyes and ears open. I do need to focus more on doing what is right for myself. Completely being absorbed by the world geopolitical morass isn't productive if it is stopping me from creating a life I can live with. It took a full day/night to download the Icke/Mutwa DVD's. I will watch them and will burn them onto a couple disks for storage.

February 3, 2009

Downloading a monster! It is over 5 Gigs: David Icke and Credo Mutwa - The Reptilian Agenda. It looks like a series of DVD's. I listened to an interview of them last night on Internet radio. I am not sure when this interview took place, but it was informative, if not a little bizarre. Of course, when you are dealing with David Icke's material you are delving into a conspiracy of universal proportions. I have not read any of his books. I do have them. Presently, I am reading that manuscript about Obama's use of Ericksonian NLP. If what this manuscript says is true, and I have no reason to think otherwise, then believing in what David Icke is telling us isn't that far a stretch of the imagination. Better to know the "Matrix" exists than to live out the rest of my life in total ignorance. If I have accomplished anything in this life it is the fact I was able to see a glimpse of the man behind the curtain. Through the manifestation of sheer Will, I lifted the veil of ignorance that has enveloped human history. Even if I am not able to drastically change what is, I was able to change what I am. My belief that Information Technology (IT) will be the basis of the New World Order economy is stronger than ever. I saw the broadband revolution coming last year. I am convinced that if I can get the A+/Network+ Certifications under my belt, and then learn how to configure broadband, I can end up with a career that will sustain me this last leg of my working life. The only way I am going to learn a trade or a skill is going to have to come from my own pursuit. No business/company is going to provide me with this opportunity. No business or company is going to give a rat's ass about me. If I am to be a working slave, I might as well be toiling away in a position I can live with. Broadband/IT is the place to be. And there is also the writing. I can not forget this is a means of self expression and possibly a source of wealth. So much work to do and so little time to do it.

February 2, 2009

Welcome to the world of Terence McKenna. It was he who inspired me to the exploration of amanita muscaria. I regret I have not pursued this further, but a lack of a stable source put a premature halt to them. The last business I purchased this mushroom at sent me garbage. I intend to find a better source and contine. Enjoy the video and seek his .mp3 lectures. They are out there on the WWW if you look for them.