December 2012


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December 31, 2012  

So the year that was to end comes to a close. I'm still hearing the cries of fear mongers. The "Mayan calendar" scenario didn't play out, so those who profit from fear are switching gears. The new fear is the crazed boogy man hiding under the bed. He is just like you or I. He goes about his business each day bothering no one and speaking little. He is the kind of neighbor we all like to have. He is quite and he doesn't get in our face. The problem is he is a closet psychopath who at any given moment decides to get his hands on a Bushmaster assault rifle like the one in this picture.

How could we have known? One day this person is the epitome of goodness and light and the next day he is evil incarnate, a master of mayhem. What I can't understand is that people are powerless against these individuals. Where are the gun owners? If some nut job is running loose in the neighborhood, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to cower under the kitchen table or are you going to defend yourself? If someone walked into the building I work in and stepped into my office with a loaded gun firing at will, I'm going to fling my chair into his face. I'm going to grab ahold of anything that isn't nailed down and I am going to stop this nonsense. I'd rather die defending myself than cowering in fear. But this is the staus quo, isn't it? We are all programmed to be docile. We don't question anything. We blindly accept what ever shit there is coming down the pipe. Look where it has gotten us.

This is just my opinion. I do not wish to test my theory out in the wild. I have an advantage. I have martial art training. The secret to self defense is action itself. It is a matter of summoning the will to pull the trigger, so to speak. If you have to stick your finger into the eye socket up to your second knuckle, then that is what you do. It takes little skill. It takes will. People don't have this anymore, if they ever did. That is the problem. These mass killings happen because people are more willing to stand and get slaughtered than fight en masse against their assailant. These children never had a chance, but the police force did. You can't tell me that a group of highly trained law enforcement personnel can't penetrate a building using stealth as a weapon and take out one individual? This fuck head in Connecticut never should have gotten the opportunity to take his own life. He should have had his brains spattered on the ground first from one carefully aimed shot. That's all it takes. The lives of the children were in mortal danger and from what I have read, no co-ordinated attack was launched against Lanza. They waited till the last shot was fired. The last shot being the one that Lanza killed himself with. Once the last shot was fired, then the area was cleared. Brilliant. Just fucking textbook brilliant. As a martial artist, I find this behavior deplorable.

I've said enough. I have made my point. I have my work cut out for me in 2013. We are all going to be in a financial fight for our very lives. What little take home pay we can muster is going to be considerably less. People surviving on unemployment benefits or welfare are going to wake up and discover empty mailboxes. The checks are not going to be there and they aren't coming back. I have switched gears as far as my Information Technology education is concerned. I do not see any opportunity to get my foot into the door of a network administration position. I still love Powershell and this command line scripting language is the key to holding onto any network administration position you currently have. If you don't learn Powershell and start automating you won't have your job in the near future. You will become obsolete, easily replaced by a younger and greatly improved model of your former self. I think the best route for me to take is to go into web development. That means HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. Javascript is the hot ticket right now and will be for the next ten years. If I can learn Javascript, I can get a job even if I am older than your typical first timer entering the IT profession. If I can build web applications ... the new breed of web pages ... I can get a job. I can freelance. I can earn some cash on the side. There is more I can do with Javascript that what I can do with Powershell given my current position, so that is the way I am going. Ideally, I will take the 70-480 certification exam and take it from there. I also have to get back to black belt shape. If I don't do it this year, I never will. I can't let this happen. As much as I hate to think, I am going to need my skill and my physical strength in 2013. The world is going to get crazy and I will most likely find myself in a position where I will have to defend myself against some ass hole who thinks he can take what I have away from me. It isn't going to happen. I haven't decided to take the long walk yet and until I do, I'm not going down without a fight.

December 30, 2012  

I know I have been rather intense in my observation of what I see as a concerted attack on Asperger's Syndrome. I often paint the most dire scenario possible to show what could be possible. I believe if something is possible, then it is probable. Doesn't it seem odd that a month before the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that news stories were being published that painted Asperger's Syndrome as being sinister? It is just a co-incidence that the news media immediately jumped to the conclusion that Asperger's Syndrome was a key cause in the shooting? This link was quashed but the damage was still done. It was reported that Asperger's Syndrome is a personality disorder and that has not been recanted. This negative portrayal can not be dismissed. Once ignorance has been accepted as fact, it is no longer ignorance. It becomes truth. If something false is accepted as true, it becomes true. This is how it is done. This is how mass media manipulates reality. Reality is not truth. It is perception. People spend their lives pursuing Truth. Truth doesn't exist. In this new world order, truth is what we are told it is. We are told to believe what we are told to believe. If you question this, you are branded as a terrorist or someone who is mentally ill. Does the term " re-education camp" ring a bell? Think about it. Honestly think about what you have heard and read in the mass media this year and ask yourself this hard question. Am I being manipulated? It's painfully obvious to anyone that has a single functioning brain cell that we are. When I was a teen growing up in the late 1960's, it was unclear just what the government was really up to. They couldn't be trusted. They were corrupt. Politicians were only interested in one thing. That was stuffing as much cash as physically possible into their own back pockets. One thing was certain. They were lying to us. This is the true constant of the Universe. We are being lied to.

It isn't the end of the world. It is possible to find peace and joy in this life. You aren't going to find it in material wealth. You aren't going to find it at the top rung of the corporate ladder. There is a joy you can find in a career of work doing something you love. You won't find peace goose stepping in line to the sound of the corporate drum beat with your knife in hand ready to stab anyone and everyone in the back as you claw your way to the top of ladder. You might if you are a psychopath. I choose not to follow this path. I hope you will make an effort in 2013 to create positive change in the world. I hope you are not faced with the choice of butchering your fellow man in order to financially survive in the coming year. Things are going to get brutal. Hard choices will have to be made. Choose well.

December 25, 2012  

Merry Christmas.

A pedestrian crosses the street outside the Wisconsin state Capitol on Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012, in Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state offices, as well as Madison and Dane County offices, were closed because of the storm.

This report from CBS News that state offices were closed is half true. State offices were closed to the public. State workers were encouraged to show up for work as scheduled. If Governer Walker had closed them, all state workers would have been paid for the day. It didn't happen. People did stay home. They burned a personal day or a vacation day to get paid. I know because I did show up. The state office building I work in is directly left of the street light shown in the above picture.

Here are some other pictures taken in Madison, WI.of the aftermath of the blizzard that tore through the city.


Here is a nice one from Oregon, WI. I used to live there before I moved to Stoughton, WI.

I am spending the evening watching some Christmas classics ... A Christmas Carol 1984 with George C. Scott, Scrooge 1951 with Alastair Sim, and It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart. Back to work early in the morning but it will be a short week. Looking forward to New Year's Eve. I have my work cut out for me in 2013.

December 23, 2012  

The winter storm that rolled on through two days ago was the perfect opportunity I have always planned on taking advantage of before I became too feeble and crippled to take care of myself. I know this sounds crazy, but there is no way in hell I plan on dying in some home wasting away neglected and un-cared for. I am sure there will be insurance money or some other funds somewhere these state leeches can get their greedy hands on. As long as they can suck a few nickles from my rotting carcass, they will keep me alive. As soon as the money runs dry, they will pull the plug or administer the magic hypo and get another paying customer in the bed before it turns cold. I refuse to play a part in this scam. I haven't got the guts to end this fiasco we call life quite yet. I still think I have a role to play on the grand stage. I still can do some good before old man time delivers that last crushing blow to the temple area. But I have to say, this last storm was a beauty. Snow accumulation of 18 inches was wide spread. Winds were gusting to 50 mph. I would have been frozen like a pop sickle in a very short period of time. I may have suffered a little while but not much. It would have been a relatively quick and painless death. Winter hasn't materialized here in Wisconsin like this the past couple years. I'm sure other opportunities will present themselves in the years to come. I am still healthy. I still plan on getting into better shape and staying that way for as long as possible. I can't chuck this body onto the scrap heap in good conscious. I honestly haven't made peace with myself or the Cosmos and until I do, all bets are still on the table.

December 22, 2012

I'm still here. You are still here. We are all still here. If the poles shifted, I didn't feel anything and the Earth did not open up and swallow anyone. I haven't seen any foreign celestial bodies in the heavens. The arrival of planet X didn't materialize. No Nephilim . No reptilian aliens hell bent on returning to Earth and reclaiming the human race as personal property. Nothing happened. In all, December 21st was just another boring day. Ok, there is one thing. The manure mass media is shoveling on the American public has gone into a higher gear, if that is even possible.

The news reports on the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut continue to be a travesty. I don't know what is worse. The massacre of the innocent children or the flagrant distortion of the truth surrounding the reporting of it. The news media hasn't got a fact correct from day one. They said the shooter killed his mother at the school. He killed her at home. They made a mistake on the identity of the shooter. They identified his brother as the killer. They said he killed these children with an assault rifle. An assault rifle was found in the back seat of the vehicle the young man drove to the school. He never took the rifle into the school. They reported he had Asperger's Syndrome. This syndrome was the cause of his mental illness and explained why he did what he did. He was a loner who didn't socialize. He played violent video games. He was a psychopath. I sat and listened to so called "psychological experts" telling the American people these people with Asperger's Syndrome had to be rounded up for their own good and for the good of the general public. They needed treatment before they snapped and started killing people just like Adam Lanza. I will say this. The public outcry from parents with children who have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome was swift and vocal. The news media put the brakes on blaming the shooting on Asperger's. There is still talk that it is a personality disorder. Anyone who has an inkling of knowledge concerning Asperger's knows this is a false and irresponsible portrayal of this mild form of autism. It is clear that an agenda is at work here to stigmatize people with Asperger's Syndrome. This agenda went into gear before these shootings took place, and that bothers me. It was originally reported there may have been two or more shooters at the school. This story quickly changed into the lone nut scenario. People who were in the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado swear there was more than one person shooting. The media didn't push it and the lone nut senario took center stage.

Are we all afraid that we are going to get dragged out of our homes in the middle of the night if we dare dispute the bold face lies that the media is feeding us? How deep does the shit have to get before we say enough? It's probably too late already. We have millions of people watching The View, listening to Woopi Goldberg ranting about mentally ill people getting there hands on weapons of mass destruction. Woopi Goldberg is a shill. No one sees it. No one questions anything. Journalism is dead. Barbara Walters should be ashamed of herself. She used to be someone who was important. She was a journalist. Now she is shoveling shit for the mass media. God help us. We have lost the ability and the will to help ourselves.

They say a picture paints a 1000 words.

December 16, 2012

US school shooter had Asperger's syndrome

I thought medical records were protected under HIPPA. Why is the media reporting that the 20-year-old gunman in the Connecticut school shooting had Asperger's syndrome? A concerted effort is being made to lay the legal groundwork to identify people with this syndrome and to put the idea in the mind's of the general public that these individuals are a danger to society. At any moment they might go berserk and start killing people. They might start hacking into the nation's computer grid and do god knows what kind of malicious damage. The same theme is being repeated over and over again,

Research suggests people with autism do have a higher rate of aggressive behavior, outbursts, shoving or pushing or angry shouting than the general population.

The media is telling everyone that individuals with Asperger's syndrome are dangerous. It is being reported that studies show there is a genetic link to schizophrenia. I started writing about this last month. I stand by my analysis. I think the legal ground work coupled with scientific confirmation is being laid for a dark and sinister future agenda. Read my November 20, 2012 post. Read my December 2, 2012 post. I nailed this. For what good it will do I saw this coming.

December 15, 2012  

Everyone becomes an expert when an event as predominate as this school massacre occurs. Suddenly, they know everything about gun control. Suddenly, they become experts on mind control, the New World Order, and the Illuminati agenda. Whatever the mass meme happens to be, people are in tune with it and anyone who questions the mass media opinion is ignorant, uninformed, and enemies of freedom and justice. This latest horrific shooting proves that the great unwashed are the most educated parrots on the face of the Earth. My stomach crawls every time I hear media propaganda being touted as wisdom. The only thing that really matters is the innocents that were butchered. The rest of the hype is simply that. The mass media is on full tilt pushing the personal agenda of god knows who or what. Not only that, they are making dollars for the great corporate machine. Parents, hug your kids a little tighter tonight when you put them to bed. They might get their asses blown off tomorrow. Don't forget to stop by Wal-Mart and buy a few extra presents for the family to put under the Christmas tree. If Jesus were alive today, that's what he'd be doing.

December 2, 2012

Gary McKinnon, the British hacker who is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.
Shrink Bible to be updated

Some highlights from this article ...

An article in the Guardian discusses the changes that will be made in the upcoming revision of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. The term "Asperger's disorder" will not appear in the DSM-5, the latest revision of the manual, and instead its symptoms will come under the newly added "autism spectrum disorder", which is already used widely.

The aim was not to expand the number of people diagnosed with mental illness but to ensure those affected were more accurately diagnosed so they could get the most appropriate treatment, said Dr David Kupfer, the University of Pittsburgh psychiatry professor who chaired the revision committee.

This article is a masterpiece of misinformation and subliminal fear mongering. We all know who Gary McKinnon is. He is that dangerous, half crazed hacker that broke into top secret data bases of the US military and NASA. He willfully destroyed files and caused millions of dollars of damage. He is a threat to the national security of the United States of America. The man is a terrorist.

What isn't being publicized is that he didn't have to break into these data bases. They were wide open. The ones he walked into were not even pass word protected. He didn't destroy data. He did not sabotage anything. He was looking for evidence of the US Government cover up of extraterrestrial contact with other intelligent life forms. He found it. It sounds like the stories of Eisenhower meeting with aliens in 1954 may be true. Truth is stranger than fiction. The man has computer skills. Once he was into these databases, he knew how to navigate about. You and I might not have been able to do this, but from what I was reading, it was child's play. The people who were responsible for protecting these databases had their heads deep into their ass. No one in a million years should have been able to just walk into these databases. I didn't see any media attention given to this deplorable lack of diligence to protect these military assets. The only thing done was to paint Gary McKinnon as a dangerous individual who needed to be locked away in a maximum security prison.

Did I mention he has Asperger's Syndrome? Here is more proof that people diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome are dangerous. Maybe they can't help themselves being that they don't have any social skills. It must be horrible for them going through life hating people and society. A few million volts to the frontal lobes will fix that. And, lifetime incarceration with a strict protocol of forced medication will ensure that people with Asperger's Syndrome can continue living a normal and productive life.

I said things were going this way. The writing is clearly on the wall. When the time comes to round the population up and ship us off to camps, it will be all nice and legal. It won't be like those fucking Nazis who brutally forced people into the rail cars. It will be to the benefit of society. It is just like the Drones Over America program. It's all about protecting us from terrorists who wish to destroy our way of life. It's a beautiful thing.

Penny Stock Prophet

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