Comments On David Blaine's Underwater Stunt.

These comments were found on the BBC Forum. Not surprisingly, most are negative.
The first comment is mine, and puts the negativity into perspective. (mine anyway)

Added: Tuesday, 9 May, 2006, 14:01 GMT 15:01 UK

It doesn't surprise me to read all the negative comments concerning David Blaine from the UK.
What do you expect? These comments are coming from the same mentality that threw eggs at his plexi-box as he hung over the Thames.

The US has David Blaine.
The UK has Tony Blair.

Was that an insult or praise?
You decide.

Another utterly pointless exercise from David Blaine, wasting medical resources and goodness knows how much money.
A self-obsessed ego-maniac, I was heartened by the lack of irreverence with which the British treated him when he was hanging in a box in London.
Has he ever been examined for mental health problems?
I think that may be the key to finding the cause rather than the tedious effects.

Emily, London

He's an idiot.
Alvy Singer, Edinburgh

Absolute idiot!

Completely, utterly pointless.
Francis, London, UK

Anything that will help him pick up a few birds when he goes nightclubbing.
Kevin Kunreuther, Dallas TX

The only thing Mr Blaine was ever going to achieve with this stunt was how to make yourself look like a prune in public. Showmanship is one thing but his stunts are just getting a bit stupid now and he's going to end up doing himself considerable damage. He just craves the attention I reckon
Rob Coverdale, Glasgow

if it was up to me i wudnt have saved him. hes an attention seeking idiot. all hes bothered about is gettin more cash by litterally signing his death wish. next time he tries a stunt like that let him go through with it. he wanted 2 hold his breath for 9 mins then let him do it if he dies its his own stupid fault.
tom, sheffield

I like the quote in your story: "Murat Gunel, Blaine's doctor, had advised against performing the escape." I expect there were many other people also wishing he would not bother to escape as well!
Me, UK

I think people should stop taking cheap shots at blaine.
we are all allowed to express ourselves, so if he chooses to push his mind & body to the edge in search of physical and mental boundaries then thats up to him. why does it do it? who knows? but we should marvel at how the human mind & body sustain under the most severe tests. get well soon blaine !
pete, aberdeen, uk

So much cynicism, Well the Brit public show their true colours again.
'The can't impress me I could do better' mentality is wearing a bit thin.
The mans an entertainer and whether you like it or not your he has your attention!
To claim otherwise is just plain ignorant.
Matthew Jarrett, Essex

I can't believe the negative comments on here.
Did any of you actually watch this?
As for the person who commented that holding your breath for 7 minutes is rubbish!
Have you ever tried it yourself?
Do you know anything about the training these Free Divers do?
David Blaine has got to that level in an incredibly short time.
He is not only a brilliant showman but he shows what the human mind can accomplish too.
Melanie, Barbados

Why all the negative comments?
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" - Einstein