August 2020


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Will wrap August 2020 up with an update on the sad end to the life of Ron Jeremy.
The Rolling Stone reported that Ron Jeremy, the adult film star, is facing 20 additional sexual assault charges spanning 14 years, from victims aged 15 to 54. If convicted as charged, Jeremy could face a maximum sentence of over 250 years to life in prison.

Of the two possible prison stays, I do not know which one is the lesser. Would that be the 250 year sentence, or a life sentence? In our criminal justice system, a man is considered innocent till proven guilty. I don't think that is even possible anymore living in this digital world of instant communication. Ron Jeremy has been tried and convicted at the alter of social media. I must admit, I believe he is guilty as charged. But a serious change has taken place in how people view the world and I do not think it is for the better.

This poor slob seventeen year old, Kyle Rittenhouse, is a victim of what I call digital brainwashing. Day after day he was bombarded with a message from President Trump that a far-left network known as Antifa is looting and rioting across American cities. This moron wasn't shooting at anything that moved, he was protecting the Homeland from terrorists, making America Great Again. The two protesters killed had it coming to them. This is what they get for not supporting our President.

Police brutality is fake news aimed at stopping Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States for a second term. George Floyd died from a drug overdose. He didn't die from having a knee on his neck for over nine minutes. Jacob Blake, shot in the back seven times at point blank range, was armed with a knife. He was going to kill and he had to be killed.

This digital brainwashing is all around us and it is working it's mojo 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is insidious. It is relentless. It is the Benito Mussolini Big Lie on steroids. Social Media has been weaponized. This weapon has hammered the final nail in the coffin of American Democray. It's over. The genie is out of the bottle. There is no going back.

Watching the news coming out of Kenosha, Wisconsin reminds me of why I moved out of the state. It is true I left Wisconsin because of the horrible job market at the time, and re-located to Dubuque to work. The last years I lived there were the days of Scott Walker acting as governor. The Walker years were a low point for the state. He turned the state into a shit hole to live in. Anyone who even had a job during his administration was working for pay a hair above the national poverty level. It was a national disgrace the way workers in Wisconson were treated. Back to what is happening in Kenosha.

The state always was a hillbilly haven. If it wasn't, Scott Walker never could of got away with the nonsense he did. People were told things in Wisconsin were peachy keen, and everyone bought it. Now, there are teen age idiots running lose with rifles exercising their 'Constitutional Rights' to bear arms. They will help elect Donald Trump to a second term and protect America by shooting anything that moves.

The Kenosha police are blaming the two dead this nut job, Kyle Rittenhouse, killed in cold blood for being out after curfew. If they had obeyed the law, they would not have been shot in the first place. The black man named Jacob Blake, shot in the back seven times at point blank range, had it coming to him. The police say he had a knife. They say he was resisting arrest. The footage taken by a bystander smartphone is sketchy, but there is no evidence that Blake even had a knife, let alone pulled it on the officer who unloaded on him.

These are dark days in America. It is obvious that Trump is doing all he can to subvert the election by screwing with mail in ballots. How can people jam themselves in line and in polling stations with COVID-19 running rampant? What the hell happened to this country? Everyone is beyond stupid. A point has been reached where there is no going back. Not only do you have to deal with these morons wrapping themselves in the flag telling anyone in shouting distance that Donald J. Trump is the greatest man who ever lived, you have to pray they don't emphasize the point by shooting you. They love a man who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself. They worship a man who is manipulating them. They adore a man who has for all practical purpose tossed American citizens into a ditch and left them for dead. How stupid is that?

According to the Daily Mail, Ron Jeremy was living in filth. I find the situation this man had fallen into revealing. Ron Jeremy's greatest wish was to be a Hollywood movie star. He was shunned my the main stream entertainment industry because of his involvment in the pornography industry. Why he was black-balled is unknown.

Sylvester Stallone had his first starring role in the softcore pornography feature film The Party at Kitty and Stud's (1970). He was paid USD $200 for two days' work. Chuck "the Rifleman" Connors appeared in a hard core homosexual porn film A Sailor & Marine (circa 1960's.) Hardcore gay porn prior to 1970 is rare. I had heard that Spike Lee directed porn films early in his career. I am unable to find any evidence to back this rumor. The point here is that well known, highly successful actors HAVE been in pornography and it did not stop their pusuits in Hollywood.

I believe Ron Jeremy resented his exclusion. I think it hurt his self esteem. He was famous, but not for the reason he may have wanted to be. He may have been assaulting women to regain a sense of power he had lost. Control over his own life was taken from him and he was taking this control back in a twisted and perverted way. In his heyday as a super porn star he was surrounded by beautiful women. Prior to his arrest, the man was living in filth in a cockroach infested apartment in Hollywood. At the moment, he is living in a jail cell. It is almost certain he is going to die in prison alone and forgotten.

I think the Ron Jeremy story is deeper than what the media is presenting. It is easy to kick someone when they are down. Ron Jeremy is an easy target. The man can not even defend himself. I find his solution to his own personal problems weak and disturbing, but a part of me pities him.

I turn on the television set and the news continues to flucuate between extremes. It is ridiculous. It is absurd. It is depressing. I have been watching i24 News. Good stuff. The information I am getting here in the US barely has value. I do make an effort to read the print news on the Internet. This is what I found this morning.

Pitiful, just pitiful. Yesterday, I did some background checking on this herbal suppliment oleander. According to the information I read, this plant belongs to a family of plants that are poisonous. If levels of this oleander build up to certain levels, it can cause heart damage.

My concerns that the world was turning towards war has been justified. I am not happy this is happening. It only proves that you can't ignore facts and information that leads to certain outcomes just because you don't like them. People in the United States don't like the situation that COVID-19 has brought. They have dismissed the severity of this virus. This denial has created a deadly, plague-like environment and it continues to get worse. The sight of 250,000 red-neck hillbillies riding motorcycles around South Dakota wrapped in an American flag was the last straw. You need proof that the citizens of this country no longer processes anything resembling an intellect? Look to South Dakota.

I turned 65 years old on Monday -- August 10, 2020. We had a horrific wind storm pound Iowa Monday.
Straight line wind speeds reached 110 miles per hour. This knocked out the Internet for two days.
The day was nothing special. I am blessed. My life is good while the rest of the world is circling the drain.
I am circling it right along with them, but I am comfortable for the moment.

If any of these allegations against Ron Jeremey are true, the man is a predatory serial rapist.
When I read these stories that women are telling, I am shocked. This man is evil. There really is not any
other way to describe his behavior. He is an evil sick bastard. He will die in prison
with the rest of the dregs and scum of society.

I would not wish this on anyone, but he made his own bed and he has to sleep in it.

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Ron Jeremy has forfeited his right to live in a free and open society. He can't be trusted to conduct himself
in a civilized manner. He has lowered himself to the realm of animal. Even animals can live among human
beings if the behave themselves. Ron Jeremy can't. What a horible way to end your life.

I know I have complained to no end over the years about the past that was my life. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. What I fail to mention is that life has given me what I need, even if it hasn't been what I thought I really wanted. I lived. How many billions of others did not? I am physically healthy. My mind has taken a beating, but it is intact as far as I can see. I have no complaints. 35-40 million Americans are on the brink of financial destitution. It isn't their fault. I take no joy in this even if counted among them are people who pissed on me and took every opportunity to ridicule and despise me for the simple reason of entertaining themselves. It is hard not to hate but I have manged to keep my promise. I have accomplished something in this life.

I will be 65 years old this coming Monday. Every ending is a new beginning. The pain that was is gone and all that is left is an old man looking back. Now is the time to look ahead. This old man has some fire left in him.

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This animation is a reminder that there was a time in the ealy days of the WWW when the Internet was fun. It isn't fun anymore. You don't create web pages to make them fun. It is all about creating a brand. It is all about reaching a wide swath of people on social media; Twitter, Facebook, etc., etc., etc. It is more important to be viral. You have to prove to everyone you are smarter than they are. It is all about being popular. It isn't about things as simple as fun. Things are not getting better just because the tools we use are brighter and shinier than the old tools. The great wizards that created computer science and the Internet built the science on a foundation. This foundation was that computer science was supposed to be fun. Code was written because it was fun to do so. I think we have lost sight of this important idea.

I would like to make an observation about the explosion in Beirut yesterday. I saw two explosions occurring in close proximity. That is all I am going to say. I am not existing on a world stage. The world doesn't care about what I think. It is probably a good thing. I keep forgetting that I am not supposed to be casting pearls before swine. I still do and I still suffer the consequences. What I think will not change the world. It could have if I had the foresight and the guts to have lived a better life. I didn't live that life and now I am living the one I have. I am not proud of this. I did the best I could. It is difficult to change the world when you are preoccupied with trying to stay alive.

Here is a great video! I just found it and it dovetails beautifully with my post. This is the face of the Internet today. There is a brutal underbelly that is not pretty. I have dreamed for many years about entering the Information Technology industry. The pay is huge. It used to be a fun place to work in. The pay is still huge, if you work 80 hours a week. The pay is huge if you sacrifice having a life and risk not having a personal life. This TechLead channel I found on YouTube is a real eye opener.


I found the quote I remember reading about computer science being fun ...
"I think that it’s extraordinarily important that we in computer science keep fun in computing. When it started out it was an awful lot of fun. Of course the paying customers got shafted every now and then and after a while we began to take their complaints seriously. We began to feel as if we really were responsible for the successful error-free perfect use of these machines. I don’t think we are. I think we’re responsible for stretching them setting them off in new directions and keeping fun in the house. I hope the field of computer science never loses its sense of fun. Above all I hope we don’t become missionaries. Don’t feel as if you’re Bible sales-men. The world has too many of those already. What you know about computing other people will learn. Don’t feel as if the key to successful computing is only in your hands. What’s in your hands I think and hope is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more than when you were first led up to it that you can make it more."

― Alan J. Perlis
The man sitting in front of the computer in the animation looks like Alan J. Perlis.
I don't know if this is just a coincidence.
I'd like to believe it isn't.

I have an idea. The only thing holding me back is the debt I owe, and it must be paid before I can make a move. Stupid, really fucking stupid. That is all I can say about how and why I am sitting in this financial hole. Even if the US economy was firing on all cylinders, it would be an epic effort to climb out of this hole quickly. No one was really spending money freely even before this pandemic fell on the world like a ton of bricks. The reason being is that the working population was making just enough money paycheck to paycheck to stay afloat. The Trump economic miracle was snake oil and the hillbillies looking to latch on to something greater than themselves ate it up with a big spoon. The $445 billion dollar credit card debt owed by the citizens of this country is never mentioned. Credit cards were putting food on the table. It was putting clothes on backs. It is easy to see what is going to happen down the road a few months from now. People are going to be killing other people for a sandwich to eat. I'm not joking.

I have decided to turn off the TV for the rest of 2020. at least. I will sit in my room working on my recovery and re-organization plan. I have run out of time. I don't think I will be writing much of anything here at Time to Blog! for awhile. The world is circling the drain. If I get too close, it will suck me down with it. Time to narrow my horizons. There is a time and a place for selfishness.

I will turn 65 on August 10. I am not sad. I am not happy. I have a room to live in. For the moment, I have food. I can carry the debt I have. I have nothing left. I do not have money for food or anything else beginning with my August Social Security check. I am looking at two years of this life style, and my debts will be paid. I could be dead from COVID-19 sooner. I don't have a death wish. I refuse to ignore the Four Horsemen parading across the television set. I refuse to ignore the sound of war drums beating across the face of the globe. The life of a human being isn't worth squat and I have long since been tossed into the ditch and left for dead.

Despite the financial hole I have dug for myself, I am blessed. I will sit tight and work the program I have laid out. Now is the time for a master cleanse of the entire system. Trump and his cronies can prostitute themselves for all the world to see. I am not one of them. I have no desire to become one of them.


The US economy is so bad right now, it is almost impossible to think a business can open, let alone survive. I will not sell any stories even if I do write them. My computer science time is not time that will bear financial fruit. I feel like nothing is worth doing. I can't think like this. I will continue my studies. I will exercise and train my mind. My mind, body and spirit are on the ropes. I am still better off than 30 million other Americans who will not find work. There is no work and it looks like there isn't going to be any for years. This pandemic has created a future where the US economy is going to be in a depression for decades. This is why I fear war. War is always the economic "go to" plan in times of great financial upheavals.

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