April 2023


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Last day of April 2023. Last day of my vacation from the parade of scum.
All financial indicators are telling me I need to sit tight and grind out the rest of this year. The opportunity is at my finget tips. I don't have to be dirt poor. All I have to do is hang in there for eight months and give the corporate task masters face. It turns my stomach but this is what is required to finally put this cycle of poverty to an end. Eight more months. There are worse thing than being forced to work; it is being forced not to work. This is the situation that millions of people are facing. The corporate jackboot is at their throats. It is at mine as well, but I am still on the payroll. I am in a situation where this won't change as long as hold up my end. I can save a small fortune quickly. I have worked too hard to throw this away.

Sitting here in the library. It's been a good month since I was here last. My desire to chronicle the demise of common sense doesn't seem to be of much importance to me as it was in the past years. Life will go on with or without my comments. The approach of the Four Horsemen was as clear as the noses on our faces, but no one wants to believe what their own eyes are telling them. My intentions are to grab the moments now and live my life. I wasted enough time worring about what the idiots think.

I have a week's vacation. I will hammer my harmonica and get to a place where I can actually play it. This has been a long time goal of mine that I never followed through on; to learn how to play a musical instrument. I will also play my flute. I can't jam on it like I will on the harp, but it is music all the same that I can create and an instrument I can use to express myself.

My cyberpunk story is coming along nicely inside my head. It is only a matter of putting the pen to paper. On a more up lifting note, my debts are paid. This is the first time in 25 years I have not been under the corporate jackboot of credit card or loan debt. I do not like my job but I can ill afford to walk away from it now. I have the opportunity to save a shit load of money quickly. I don't have to live in crushing poverty. This is something.

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