The Politically Correct Conspiracy

by Peter Anthony

Much has been written about the phenomena of Political Correctness, often tongue in cheek by liberals who would rather poke a bit of fun at it rather than make the populace take a long hard look what Political Correctness is actually accomplishing for the NWO power elite. It is indeed a serious thing. Ask the child who has been expelled from school, the worker who has been fired from his job, or any individual who has had to endure social criticism from their more "enlightened" peers. Orwell envisioned a world where the Thought Police enforced the belief that black is white, two plus two equals five, and evil is good. His stunning prophecies have become reality today in the form of Political Correctness, as inflexible a tyrant as the most brutal dictator - a powerful social tool of the Left that ostracizes, humiliates, and "educates" people whose thoughts, words, or actions do not conform to the designs of the current power structure.

Political Correctness in a nutshell is the inability to call a spade a spade. It is the extreme aversion to offend, resulting in the sacrifice of Truth. In effect, Truth does not matter to the proponents of PC, because the Truth is often contrary to their grip on profits and power. One astonishing case in point is the recent Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's ruling in the Zundel case. Following are the exact words of the Tribunal:

Schweitzer's evidence in chief was largely directed to identifying classical anti-Semitic motifs in material found on the Zundel web site, (the subject matter of the alleged discriminatory practices at issue in this hearing... During the course of his cross-examination, Mr. Christie, acting for the Respondent Mr. Zundel, sought to question Prof. Schweitzer on the truth of the statements found on the Zundel web site which were said by the witness to be anti-Semitic. Counsel for the Commission, supported by the complainants and the intervenors save for Mr. Fromm, objected to this line of questioning. It was the submission of the Commission that truth was not a defense to a discriminatory practice under s. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act (herein referred to as the "Act"). Moreover, it was strenuously argued by the Commission that allowing Mr. Christie to pursue this line of questioning was antithetical to the very purpose of human rights legislation... the dignity of the complainants and the proceedings should not be diminished by allowing the respondent to prove or test the truth of inherently offensive comments."

When has the truth ever been a defense for those who get in the way of profits and power. In order to understand how the power Elites have invented and used Political Correctness for their benefit, one must first understand the motive and design behind each 'PC-code,' and how each benefits this Establishment. It must first be understood that people learn about Political Correctness from the Mouths of the power Elite, the television and news media, Hollywood, and the public relations efforts and policies of both multi-national corporations and the governments of the world. How does Political Correctness benefit them? An important rule to remember is that if the Truth benefited them, there would be no need for PC-codes to cover up this truth!

Since we have already examined the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling, the Holocaust is a good place to start. It is, of course, currently Politically Incorrect to question the official Establishment version (Canon) of the Holocaust. Moreover, it is illegal in many countries to do so, as evident by the Zundel trial in Canada, and the jailing of thousands in Germany and elsewhere accused of such "thought crimes." Note that it is not illegal to question any other alleged mass murders such as the Bolsheviks, Pol Pot, and others. Only the Holocaust is immune from criticism or questioning. Why? What does the Establishment have to hide? What are they afraid of? The answer is, of course, much; or the laws would not exist. The PC-codes would have never been put into effect. It is important to remember that there is always a reason for the establishment of a particular PC-code. In the case of the Holocaust, the reason is that the arguments of the proponents of the Official Version of the Six Million have a case as thin as paper which, once viewed in detail, begins to fall apart under the light of scrutiny. This is why it is not to be scrutinized. Someone always gains from the establishment of a PC-code - and in the case of the Holocau$t, it is the Jews, of course, who gain the most. They have reaped the rewards of the Shoah (there is no business like Shoah business!) for over 50 years, in terms of billions upon billions of dollars, immunity from criticism, a wedge to use against perceived enemies, and the state of UN-Israel.

Another PC-code of similar importance to the Elites is the current Taboo on any discussion relating to race. It is now Politically Incorrect to unfavorably criticize any non-white gentile Christian race or ethnic group. Again, truth is no defense. Even pointing out well documented non-white crime statistics, welfare rolls, or intelligence tests is un-PC and punishable in many ways by those with the power to do so. Who benefits? In this case many benefit, including multi-national corporations and the New World Order Elite. Multi-national corporations are primarily motivated by greed. They like the cheap labor which comes from massive non-white immigration and would never lift a finger to try to stop it. Whites simply are too expensive, and are not the ideal UN-worker slaves the corporations would prefer. This is, of course, short sighted on their part, but nobody has accused these greedy CEO's and owners of thinking long-term. When whites have disappeared who will create and maintain their technology?

NWO governments would also benefit in many ways from the elimination of the white race. After all, historically, whites have always been the most difficult to enslave. The United Nations conception of the perfect, brown-skinned, docile worker-slave is not only ideal for the multi-national corporations, but also for the NWO Establishment. Trying to bring different races and ethnic groups under one umbrella, as the One World Government would seek, is difficult when there are so many identifiable differences between these races and ethnic groups. The elimination of the white race, whether through breeding or murder, is merely the first step to their global domination. The reader should by now be able to see how corporate capitalism has worked in collaboration with the governments in favor of a global tyrannical state, with money and power as the motives.

There are many other PC-codes which are used to the same ends: Feminism, homosexuality, gun control, the elimination of the traditional patriarchal family, the war on traditional morality and real Christianity, etc. Only a bit of logic can determine how those in power benefit from these PC-codes, and thus why they have been implemented by the Establishment Mouths of Hollywood, the liberal media, and the policies of both government and multi-national corporations. When something is deemed un-PC, consider and question the source. There is a reason for everything... and more often than not Political Correctness is used as a tool by those who would destroy the Western race and way of life for their own greedy and ambitious ends.

Eye Witness Testimony
of Implosion