Jesus Is Back, and She's Chinese

A bizarre religious sect is preying on China's rural Christian congregations

Sister Hong's brainwashing session began when her Bible class ended. Five peasant women had led the Catholic nun to a house in a distant village in Henan province two years ago so that she could teach the life of Jesus. Suddenly, the women vanished and a man entered. For the next five days he refused to let her leave and forced her to debate the Bible. He said the day of judgment is nigh. Jesus has returned. China—the Great Red Dragon from the Book of Revelations—faces destruction. By the end, "I was dizzy. I was confused. He knew the Bible so well," says Sister Hong. Her pleading, plus promises to return, finally won her release. Lightning had struck again.

A fast-spreading sect named Lightning from the East is alarming Christian communities across China by winning large numbers of converts to its unorthodox tenets, often by abducting potential believers. Its followers, who say they number 300,000 but whom observers measure in the tens of thousands, believe that Jesus has returned as a plain-looking, 30-year-old Chinese woman who lives in hiding and has never been photographed. They credit her with composing a third testament to the Bible, writing enough hymns to fill 10 CDs and teaching that Christians who join her will ascend to heaven in the coming apocalypse. They see signs of doom everywhere, from the perfidy of Communist Party propaganda to anthrax spores in the U.S. postal system. According to one of the group's Chinese leaders who uses the alias "Peter" and moved to New York City last year, "The judgment is ongoing in China and will expand through the world."

The sect—which calls itself "the con-gregation"—operates deep underground. A two-year police campaign against it and other so-called "evil cults," such as Falun Gong, has put 2,000 of its followers in jail, say its spokesmen. Yet by targeting Christian believers it is flourishing—even though its belief that the female Jesus has updated the Bible for China violates core Christian tenets. The appeal seems to be the group's claim to have improved the Christian faith by putting the end of the world into a Chinese context and offering believers a path to immediate salvation. Official Christian churches, by contrast, downplay the Final Judgment, emphasizing instead codes of behavior. That, plus the sect's insistence that China is "disintegrating from within," appeals to peasants, many of whom are poorly grounded in Christian principles and are angry at a government that has failed to raise their incomes or curb corruption.

Fearful for their believers' souls and welfare, leaders of China's roughly 60 million Christians have mobilized. Last year a man claiming to be Lightning's coordinator for north China met secretly with a senior aide to a Catholic bishop in Hebei province to try to convert the Catholic leadership there. He failed, and the bishopric has warned clergies to remain vigilant against Lightning. In Henan, the main church in Dengfeng county called a meeting of 70 lay leaders for a two-day training session on Lightning's "heresies"—but since then five of the leaders have joined the sect. Lightning "is the greatest danger we face today," says a minister named Li who no longer allows strangers to worship in his church in Zhengzhou city, where the sect began a decade ago.

Lightning is the most aggressive Christian sect to emerge in China since the revolution, but it follows a beaten path. In the decades before the communists swept to power in 1949, a Chinese missionary known as Watchman Nee built his congregation, the Little Flock, to 300,000 followers in central China. The sect's emphasis on decentralized congregations launched a home-church movement that helped Christianity survive communist repression. Yet as Little Flock congregations became isolated, they splintered into separate groups. The Shouters, for instance, rewrote the Lord's Prayer to read simply, "Oh, Lord Jesus," and taught followers to holler the phrase while stamping their feet in unison. Other offshoots, like the Disciples, believe that the devil exists in all people—and can be beaten out of them.

Today, the Communist Party's restrictions on religion help sects flourish. China's 18 state-sanctioned Protestant seminaries can't graduate enough ministers, and in the countryside, believers commonly outnumber ordained preachers 50,000 to one—not enough shepherds for an expanding flock. The unavailability of rural health-care means that "seven out of 10 converts come to faith through illness" after people pray for their recovery, estimates Faye Pearson, a teacher at China's biggest seminary, in Nanjing. Many of these converts have scarcely read the Bible. Without strong doctrinal leadership, it's a prescription for heterodoxy. "I'm not sure that most rural Christians are well enough grounded in Christianity to even know they're in a sect," says Daniel Bays, a historian of Chinese Christianity at Calvin College in Michigan.

A typical country church, this one outside Dengfeng county is run by a lay minister who has received no special training on dealing with strange sects. It is poor. The pulpit is a red flounce curtain draped over a desk; broken windows let the swirling central China dust coat the whitewashed walls. The biggest single expenditure this year was the $25 the congregation gave its most desperate members to celebrate the lunar new year. Every Sunday 150 peasants crowd onto low wooden benches to receive the Word, including a gray-haired woman known as Granny He.

On a chilly night three autumns ago, a young woman in her 20s walked past the chickens scratching in Granny He's courtyard and knocked on her red wooden door. The caller had done her research: she knew Granny He was Christian and that her husband, a teacher, spent time away. They talked about God for two hours that evening, and for longer on subsequent nights. Then the visitor arranged for a rare luxury—a car to drive Granny He to worship in someone's home. There, she and seven other believers sat facing the preacher. He said the Jesus of the Bible is the old one. The new Jesus has come, and she will destroy the earth. They sang hymns that the new savior had written to the tunes of familiar revolutionary ditties like Communist Party, My Loving Mama. Granny He returned four more times. On occasion, when the spirit moved them, they danced. "I half believed and half doubted," she says. A month later, concerned relatives forbade her to attend any more meetings. Sundays now find her back on the country church's wooden benches, but she sounds ambivalent about Lightning: "I don't think they harm people's spirit."

Granny He's experience was a textbook piece of evangelism. The sect's most trusted members receive a 67-page missionary manual explaining the dos and don'ts of conversion. Do start slowly, lend money, convince converts that God's work is incomplete and, finally, that doomsday is coming and Jesus has arrived to complete that work. Don't tell them until they are firm believers that the new Jesus will destroy the Great Red Dragon, which in the Bible represents Satan but to Lightning represents China. And if anybody asks why the "all-powerful" new Jesus must hide from police, the answer is that "there's a time for secrecy and a time for openness, but she has her plan," says Joseph Yu, a believer who arrived in New York City two years ago.

Sometimes, the plan seems unfathomable. A 60-year-old woman from Zhengzhou says Lightning devotees invited her to teach the Bible in their homes last year. They drove her to an unfamiliar village and presented her with a screaming and trembling man. They instructed her to cast out his devil. She couldn't. Then a Lightning follower prayed and sure enough the devil vanished, proving the woman's God was false, they said. Frightened, she acknowledged that her God seemed less powerful. Still, they held her nine more days, until her minister tracked her down and sought the police. She is too afraid to be quoted by name. "The other day I dreamed that they piled onto my bed and wouldn't leave," she said in a phone interview.

Lightning from the East has burrowed further underground in China. But already its followers hand out leaflets in Chinatowns in New York City and San Francisco. Lightning could soon strike the West.

This documentation is from an Eastern Lightning Website:

I. A Brief Introduction to the Background of the Lord’s Coming to China in a Hidden Way to Do the Work

China is the land in which the great red dragon is entrenched and is the place where people resist and condemn God most severely throughout history. China is like a fortress of the demons and a prison controlled by the devil, which is impenetrable and watertight. Furthermore, the government of the great red dragon guards at all levels and sets up defense in every household. So, China is the place where it is most difficult for God’s gospel to be spread and God’s work to be carried out. Since Communist Party of China came into power in 1949, religious belief in mainland China has been undergoing complete suppression and ban. Millions of Christians were criticized and denounced at public meetings and put in prison. All the churches were thoroughly closed down and confiscated. Even family gatherings were not allowed. If anyone was found to hold a meeting, he would be arrested and put in prison and even be killed. At that time, religious activities almost disappeared without a trace. Although there were still a few Christians who kept on believing in God, they could only silently pray to God and sing hymns to praise God in their hearts, beseeching God to revive the church. Eventually, in 1981 the church was really revived, and the Holy Spirit also began to do great works in China. The churches sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and more and more people began to believe in God. In 1983 when the church revival reached its climax, Communist Party of China again started a new round of cruel suppression. And again millions of people were arrested and reeducated through labor or imprisoned. The government of the great red dragon only allowed the believers in God to attend the Three-Self Patriotic Protestant Churches set up by the government and tried to thoroughly ban the underground family churches. However, the Holy Spirit was still doing great works in the underground churches, which was something that the government could not restrict. In the stream of the working of the Holy Spirit, Christ incarnated in the flesh began to appear in a hidden way and to work in some family churches: In 1991, a sister in a church received the moving and words from the Holy Spirit and testified to “God’s name” and “God’s arrival.” At the time, all the people were very excited, but they did not understand what all that was about. From then on, Christ began to utter her voice and proclaim the word. The word came one piece after another. Everyone was passing them round for perusal and felt that they were the words of the Holy Spirit and were definitely originated from God. Everyone was extremely excited, gathering together with full enjoyment and being immersed in happiness. As Christ proclaimed more and more words, all the people laid stress on enjoying God’s words and were completely caught by God’s words. In the meetings, they formally began to enjoy the current words of the Holy Spirit. At that time, people did not know that she was God incarnate and was Christ who had appeared; rather, they merely regarded her as an ordinary sister who received the revelation of the Holy Spirit. For in the announcements of Christ, God’s Incarnation had not been formally testified to. No one understood what incarnation was all about, and people only knew that the words were the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, they still called Christ sister and treated her as a human. It was only when God’s speaking reached its climax that God began to testify to his Incarnation in his words. The words of God explained the differences between the Holy Spirit’s descending on man and the Holy Spirit’s working in man; moreover, the mystery of the Spirit’s being realized in the flesh was revealed. Not until then did people know that the sister who lived among man and proclaimed the words to shepherd and provide for the church was God incarnate, Christ, and God who had appeared. Only at that time did people suddenly realize that; they all hated their being too blind, foolish, and ignorant, and all bowed down before God weeping in repentance and were filled with deep sorrow, while their cries were heard everywhere. At that time, people’s hearts were filled with mixed feelings of grief and joy and were hard to express. When seeing God, they only knew to fall on their faces before her. If they did not fall on their faces, they felt uneasy in their hearts. When falling on their faces before Christ, they felt enjoyment and felt that they had really returned before the presence of God and were of God. After Christ appeared, she proclaimed more and more words and gradually entered the right track of God’s working, and initiated the prelude to the judgment beginning from the house of God. God’s words completely conquered people. Through God’s revealing the meaning of God’s name, the name of Almighty God came into being. And people then began to directly pray to the name of Almighty God and to enjoy the words of Almighty God in the meetings. Because these words (namely, all the words in The Word Has Appeared in the Flesh) are the present work of God and the words God proclaim in the new age, the Bible naturally becomes old. And naturally no one pays attention to the various kinds of statements and theories of the Age of the Grace; all people are conquered by the word of God, as if they had seen heaven open. All kinds of mysteries are revealed by God, and people are enabled to broaden their views and to see that the majority of the statements held by people previously in the Age of the Grace are notions and errors and are all long-standing mistaken ideas. Luckily God’s appearing has led people onto the right track of faith in God. It was only after people have been conquered by the word of God that they found that this ordinary and normal person proclaiming the word of God was none other than Christ and the flesh in which God was incarnated.

Christ was born into an ordinary family in the northern part of China. Ever since she was a child, she has known in her heart that there is a God. She gradually grew up as an ordinary person does. In 1989 when the Holy Spirit was doing great works in family gatherings, Christ dropped out of school and formally entered the family church. At the time, Christ had a fervent heart and extremely thirsted to serve God and offer her duty. Simply two years later, Christ received the moving of the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the word by writing down the words in her heart and then giving them to the church. Afterwards, as being testified to and revealed by the words proclaimed by Christ, Christ was then known and exalted by people and became the real God venerated, loved, and esteemed by mankind. Christ does not only have the normal human nature, but she indeed has the full divine nature. She can proclaim the truth and expose the substance of mankind’s corruption at any time and in any place. She is full of truths and wisdom in her speaking and viewing things as Jesus was. What Christ speaks and has are not learned from books but completely originate from the divine substance she possesses. Christ comes just from God. From her life, what people see is her completely normal human nature. From her work and her patience with mankind, people will be able to see her divine nature as well as her nature which does not tolerate man’s offense. Although Christ has human weaknesses as Jesus had, even more does she have the substance of being obedient to the Spirit of God. She is full of truths and wisdom, which cause people to be sincerely convinced. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. Not only in name but in reality as well! God has been incarnated in the flesh and become an insignificant person. He humbles and hides himself and does the work among man, conquering mankind and defeating his enemies through proclaiming the truth. He has already triumphed completely, being testified about and spread. This is God’s almightiness and wisdom and God’s glory. Because of Christ’s appearing and working, the church of Almighty God came into being, and the brothers and sisters in the church of Almighty God then began to testify about God’s work and started the work of expanding Christ’s kingdom. This is the brief introduction to the background of God’s being incarnated to come in a hidden way to do the work. To put it more simply, Christ incarnated in the flesh has come to the land in which the great red dragon is entrenched, proclaimed the word of judgment and punishment, and conquered and saved the chosen people of China; that is, God incarnated in the flesh fights with satan in the den of the great red dragon, and in order to wake mankind up and cause people to hear and recognize God’s voice and thus return before the presence of God and be saved by God, she has expended everything. This is indeed a very rare thing of extremely profound significance. Of course, God’s being incarnated in the flesh to do the work to save man this time is to arrange the final destination of mankind and thus end the age. God has come in a hidden way to mainland China—the land in which the great red dragon is entrenched to do the work, conquering and saving the most deeply corrupted human beings and perfecting them to be a group of overcomers. This has initiated the prelude to the judgment of the great white throne in the end times and has become the beginning of conquering and saving all mankind. And it has opened the path for the next step of God’s public appearing to every nation and every region in the world.

II. The Birth and Development of the Church of Almighty God

The church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearing and working of God incarnate, and it consists of all those who have accepted the end-time work of Almighty God. It is completely and personally set up by the end-time Christ—Almighty God and is also personally shepherded and led by Almighty God. It is absolutely not founded by a certain person. Someone is used by God, and this is only to cooperate with God’s work. Because of the appearing and working of God incarnate, all those conquered by the word of Almighty God have come under the name of Almighty God. God’s chosen people in China have experienced the work of judgment and punishment of God, tasted the righteous nature of God, and seen the majesty and wrath of Almighty God. They have completely fallen down before God and been conquered by God, and have achieved the results of being saved by God. The church of Almighty God came into being just under the righteous judgment and punishment of Almighty God, and it is made up of those who have been completely conquered by the word of God and saved by God. Those who have been conquered by Almighty God all fall down before Almighty God in repentance, extolling the wonderful deeds of Almighty God and praising his almightiness and wisdom. At the beginning when God appeared to do the work, we only knew to call him God and did not know what God’s name was. Then, God revealed the meaning of his name taken in each age and that the name of Almighty God came into being also according to the mysteries disclosed by Almighty God. It was only when Almighty God fully revealed the meaning of God’s name taken in each age that people suddenly realized that the meaning embodied in God’s name was so profound: God takes a new name in every age; every time God does the work of opening a new age, he appears with a new name, which is a symbol of changing the age and embodies the significance of God’s working. God’s name is so meaningful, and it has completely fulfilled the word in Revelation of the Bible “God is the Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” God is an all-powerful God; God is a God who created all things and is also a God who rules over all things; God is the First and the Last. It is most suitable for us to call God Almighty God. At that time, a suitable form of address by which to call God came into being. From then on, people called God incarnated in the flesh Almighty God and also called Christ incarnated in the flesh the real God. Consequently, the church of Almighty God naturally came into being.

When the gospel of the Kingdom was spread in the mainland, the Holy Spirit worked among various sects by the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and God also performed many miraculous signs and wonders. More and more people in various sects who seek after the truth returned before the throne of God. As God’s sheep in all sects have all returned to God, now the majority of the sects have fallen apart and exist in name only, because those in various sects who seek after the truth and sincerely thirst for God have all returned before the presence of God. They have broken through the restrictions and obstructions of the antichrists and the wicked servants and have finally heard and recognized God’s voice. Who could hinder God’s chosen people from returning to God? It is as if the entire religious circle has been cleaned up. Those who really belong to God have all heard God’s voice. The stream of their returning to God is that which any force cannot hinder! Since God appeared to do the work, the government of the great red dragon has begun to desperately resist and cruelly persecute it, trying to do away with God’s end-time work. They called many emergency meetings to have discussions about how to ban the church of Almighty God; they drew up and issued many secret documents, and adopted various kinds of mean and sinister conspiracies and schemes: putting up notices everywhere, making use of the village broadcast, issuing documents, fabricating rumors to deceive people, blaspheming and slandering, sending spies, observing publicly and investigating secretly, controlling through the grass roots, requiring to sign up names and register, supervising through the neighbors, searching without any reason, making use of the Three-Self Protestant Churches to supervise and control, arresting secretly, extorting confessions by cruel torture, torturing the body, battering the arrested to death without any compensation, killing secretly, imprisoning and reeducating through labor and so on. They use all kinds of cruel means to take bloody suppression, sending rumors flying all over the country. The entire mainland of China has become a world of horror, which causes people to live in terror. This has brought an extreme obstruction to the work of Almighty God and to the church work. In addition, there are the slanders, condemnations, and attacks from all sects. All at once, rumors come thick and fast. All kinds of slanders, abuses, and curses are heard everywhere as dark clouds are bearing down on the country. In the entire religious circle and society, there is no one who does not know “Eastern Lightening”—Almighty God. God’s work is truly difficult, and the expansion of the gospel of the Kingdom is even more difficult. In this fortress of the demons controlled by the devil, to carry out God’s work is simply more difficult than ascend to heaven. However, God is almighty; no matter how ferociously the forces of satan resist and launch repeated attacks, it is of no use. During simply more than ten years, the gospel of the Kingdom has spread throughout the entire mainland of China. Tens of thousands of churches have been set up in all parts of China, and millions of people have come under the name of Almighty God. All denominations and sects exist in name only. For God’s sheep have heard God’s voice and have all returned before the presence of God. Those unbelievers who only believe in God in order to eat bread to fill their stomachs as well as all kinds of enemies which do evil, resist, and condemn Almighty God have been eliminated by God’s work. The entire religious circle has been destroyed and caused to fall apart because of God’s work. The work of Almighty God has finally come to an end with glorious circumstances. The more the great red dragon resists desperately, the more rapidly God’s kingdom is expanded. The expansion of the gospel of the Kingdom has displayed God’s almightiness and wisdom. More and more people have entered the church of Almighty God, and it is developing more and more rapidly and has attained an unprecedentedly grand occasion. The announcement of Christ—the word of God has spread throughout numerous households and has been accepted by more and more people. The word of God has displayed an extremely great power: “The word of God fulfills everything!” The facts have fully proved this point. The church of Almighty God came into being just in the word of Almighty God, is also advancing under the guidance of the word of Almighty God, and is much more developing and becoming strong under the cruel persecution of the great red dragon. It can be said that without the appearing and working of Almighty God, there would not be the church of Almighty God, and that without the cruel persecution of the great red dragon, the church of Almighty God would not have developed. Almighty God, who does the work, has proclaimed more than one million words, which are nurturing God’s chosen people. God’s chosen people have all been reborn through the word of Almighty God and begun to spread God’s word and testify about God’s deeds to every nation and every region. The word of God is about to spread throughout all nations and regions in the world. Look into the vista of the Kingdom—bright and glorious. The mission of the church of Almighty God is to testify about God’s work and about God’s public appearing to God’s chosen people in every nation and every region in the world. The church of Almighty God is just a specimen and a model that God has completed in China. Today, the experimental work that God has come to China in a hidden way to do has ended. God’s work has already been crowned with success. God is about to appear publicly to every nation and every region in the world.

III. The Expansion of the Work that God Was Incarnated in the Flesh the Second Time to Do in Mainland China

In 1995, the gospel of the Kingdom of Almighty God was formally started to be testified about in mainland China. With our gratitude to God and with sincere love, we testified about the appearing and working of Almighty God to the brothers and sisters in various denominations and sects. We did not expect that we encountered extreme resistance and slander of the leaders of various denominations and sects. We had no choice but to come before Almighty God to earnestly pray to God, beseeching God to do the work personally. From 1997, we saw the Holy Spirit doing great works. The number of people in the churches in various places increased rapidly. At the same time, many miraculous signs and wonders emerged, and many people in various denominations and sects returned to Almighty God just because of God’s revelation or seeing miraculous signs and wonders. If the Holy Spirit had not done the work, what could man have done? This has enabled us to know: Although we have understood some truths, we still could not testify about Almighty God simply by our human strength. After these people from various denominations and sects have accepted Almighty God, through eating, drinking, and enjoying the word of Almighty God, they gradually have certain faith in Almighty God, and a period of time later, they have developed true faith and obedience. They, who are from various denominations and sects, were all caught up to the throne like this, and they no longer look forward to “meeting the Lord in the air,” which is a mere pleasant dream people have imagined.

Since the expansion work of the gospel of the Kingdom started, we have been undergoing the cruel persecution and hounding of Chinese government. The more lamentable is that we have also been undergoing the curse, slander, condemnation, and rejection from all denominations and sects in Catholicism and Christianity. We have been doubly beset by these things, even to the point where the gospel work once came to a standstill. Facing such a situation, we were at a loss what to do, as if we had been besieged on all sides. At the same time, we also felt doubly rebuked: We have enjoyed so great a salvation of God and have understood so many truths, but we could not spread the gospel to others. We really did not deserve to be God’s witnesses and really failed that which God entrusted to us. With such a frame of mind, we all felt that we lost our duties, and did not know what course to take and how to give account to God, and even less did we know how to face God’s warning and entrusting time and again. Although at a loss, we still felt that God’s heart was calling us and calling every sheep whom he aims to gain. Under such a situation, we all came before God to pray to God and pour out our hearts to God with indebtedness, guilt, and thirst: “O God! May you strengthen us and bestow wisdom on us so that we can find you all your sheep. May your will be carried out in us and your kingdom be expanded. May your word save more people into your family. As long as your gospel can be expanded, we are willing to undergo greater suffering, even if it is to sacrifice our lives. May you give us more strength. We are willing to cooperate with your step-by-step guidance. O God! Because of our small spiritual stature and our weakness, we cannot fulfill that which you have entrusted to us smoothly. May you bind those hostile powers that disturb the expansion of your gospel, curse those of the kind of the devil which do not belong to you, clean off all the things that hinder the expansion of your gospel, and open up the way forward for us.” We believed that our prayer reached the ears of God, for our prayer was in conformity with God’s intention and was offered for the sake of God’s will. As expected, God did a great work not long after that. It brought us unprecedented excitement and joy. God bestowed wisdom on us and gave us confidence and strength so that the expansion of the gospel work reached its climax at once. Each of us knew and even more believed that this was a piece of good news that God had brought to us and that it was even more God’s encouragement and reward to us. The sufferings we underwent were rewarded. In the depths of our hearts, all of us have even more deeply understood the true meaning of these words “Only God Godself can do his own work.” God actually did not make it hard on us, even less did he embarrass us. Only, he gave us some small trials in the beginning and nothing more. Besides happiness, we thanked God’s guidance, help, care, and keeping from the bottom of our hearts. At the same time, we also saw the greatness of God’s deeds and the honorableness of God’s nature, and even more we saw God’s righteousness and the aspect of his not tolerating man’s offense, because God also punished many enemies that resisted him while saving man. Among the leaders of various sects in each of the 24 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the entire mainland of China, there are typical cases of people’s being punished because of their desperately resisting, condemning, and blaspheming Almighty God. The number is much bigger than that of the people who were punished during the period God was doing the work in Israel in the Age of the Law. Thus it can be seen that mankind in the end times has been extremely deeply corrupted and that they resist God more ferociously. There are many who have been punished and eliminated, and this has completely fulfilled the prophecy in the Bible “Many are called but few are chosen.” If the Holy Spirit did not do great works, man would really have no way of doing the work of expanding the gospel of the Kingdom. From beginning to end, God’s work and the work of spreading the gospel of the Kingdom have been undergoing desperate resistance and cruel persecution from Communist Party of China, the ruling party of the great red dragon. There are at least more than one hundred thousand people who were arrested and imprisoned and underwent all kinds of persecutions and torture. There are many people who are listed as wanted and cannot return to their own home, so they have no choice but to lead a wandering life to expend for God; there are many people who are being spied on and have no way of offering their duties; there are many people who are controlled by Communist Party of China and cannot stay a single step away from their home. In order to resist and wreck God’s work, the government of the great red dragon has used all kinds of base means and expended plenty of human and financial resources. Although it has tried every possible means, it has failed to hinder the pace of God’s work all along. God maneuvers all things to serve to fulfill his will. The great red dragon is completely in God’s control and has been so frustrated by God as to become utterly confused and disorientated and have no way out. Many times, the great red dragon was about to carry out a complete nationwide hounding, but it was disrupted by God’s arrangement; many times, it wanted to take action to ban the church of Almighty God but failed; many times, it tried to take greater action to do away with the work of God, but that was restricted by God’s sovereign maneuver. Then, the great red dragon became flustered and exasperated, but it was at the end of its wits. So it could do nothing but accept the bad luck with resignation—God does not help it! Heaven is to destroy Communist Party of China. From the expansion of the gospel of the Kingdom, we have seen God’s almightiness: No matter how outrageous the forces of satan are and how they resist the work of God jointly, it is of no use. During simply more than ten years, the gospel of the Kingdom has spread throughout the entire mainland of China. The word and name of God have spread throughout hundreds of millions of households, and millions of people have come under the name of Almighty God. Among various sects in mainland China, all who seek after the truth and sincerely thirst for God have returned before the presence of Almighty God. There are millions of people who are enjoying the word of Almighty God, receiving God’s work and salvation, and praising the wonderful deeds of God. God has completed a group of overcomers in China and has gained a group of people who are of one heart and one mind with him. This has opened the path for God’s public appearing. The work of God has eventually come to an end with glorious circumstances. God has begun to punish the great red dragon. And then he will appear to every nation and every region in the world publicly.

IV. The Unprecedentedly Grand Occasion of the Expansion of the Gospel of the Kingdom in Mainland China

Since God, who was incarnated in the flesh in China, formally started to fulfill her ministry in 1992, she has proclaimed more than one million words and has completely conquered and saved God’s chosen people in China. Along with that, the testifying about God’s end-time work has been rapidly developing in mainland China, and the work of the Holy Spirit has been accompanying God’s chosen people. There are miraculous signs and wonders occurring in the churches in every place; even everyone who has returned to God has seen God’s deeds. Those who testify about God have all seen God’s wonderful deeds. A great many people from various sects have been conquered by the word of God. They acknowledge it is completely the word of God and are sincerely convinced. God’s sheep have eventually heard God’s voice and returned before the presence of God. The Holy Spirit also performed numerous miraculous signs and wonders to guide God’s chosen people to come under the name of Almighty God from various sects. As more and more of God’s chosen people have returned to God, all sects have collapsed and no longer exist; it is as if the entire religious circle has been cleaned up. During the expansion of the kingdom, all kinds of devils and antichrists which resist God have received the righteous punishment from Almighty God. This has caused people to see the consequence of being hostile to God. The great red dragon tries to strangle and do away with God’s work but has finally ended in failure. All the evil forces which resist God have been put to shame and failed completely. The great red dragon has finally finished rendering its service and begun to receive God’s punishment. It is just as the word of God says: “The kingdom has been expanded among man, has taken shape among man, and has stood among man. No power can destroy my kingdom.” “My kingdom has taken shape in the entire universe, and my throne has occupied the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Because of the cooperation of the angels, my work will soon be crowned with success. All the sons and the people of God are impatiently waiting for my return and expecting that I can meet with them and will thenceforth never separate again. How can all the people in my kingdom not run to each other rejoicing for my presence? Could this be a meeting for which no price has been paid? I am regarded as honorable in the eyes of all people and being spread in the words of all people. When I have returned, I will even more conquer all the hostile powers. The time has arrived! I will expand my work, and I will reign and rule among man! I will return! I will leave! This is what man has been expecting and is what man has been hoping for. I will let all people see the arrival of my day and joyfully welcome the arrival of my day!” “All whom I love will surely abide forever, and all who resist me will surely be punished by me forever, because I am a jealous God and will not let go lightly all the deeds of anyone. I will search the whole earth and appear in the East of the world as righteousness, majesty, wrath, and punishment to reveal myself to all men!” An unprecedentedly grand occasion of the expansion of the kingdom has appeared. Millions of people have come under the name of Almighty God. The name of Almighty God has spread throughout mainland China. In every province and every area, there are the churches of Almighty God set up. All those who have accepted the work of Almighty God are enjoying the shepherding of God’s word and experiencing the work of God’s salvation. Just as Almighty God says: “I am doing my work throughout the whole universe. A loud voice, as the pealing of thunder, issues forth unceasingly from the East, shaking every nation and every group. It is my voice that has led all people to the present day; I am to cause people to be conquered because of my utterance, and all will fall down and enter this stream and become subject in my presence. For I have long since taken back glory from all the earth and again have issued it forth from the East. Who does not hope to see my glory? Who does not look forward to my return? Who does not thirst for my reappearance? Who does not long for my loveliness? Who will not come to the light? Who will not see the abundance of Canaan? Who does not look forward to the return of the ‘Redeemer’? Who does not admire the powerful One? My utterance will spread throughout the earth. I will utter and proclaim more words to my chosen people, which will shake mountains and rivers as a mighty thunder. It is to the whole universe that I proclaim my word; it is also to all mankind that I proclaim my word. So the word of my mouth becomes a gem for people, and everyone treasures my word. It is from the east that the lightning flashes to the west. My word causes people to find it difficult to part with it, makes people feel it hard to fathom, and, much more, makes people joyful; like newly born infants, all are happy and joyous, celebrating my arrival. By my utterance I will bring all people before my presence. Thereafter, I will formally enter among mankind, causing all to come to worship me. Because of my glory’s issuing forth and because of the word of my mouth, let all come to my presence, all see that it is from the East that the lightning comes, and that I have also descended on the ‘Mount of Olives’ of the East and have long since come to the earth, no longer as ‘the Son of the Jews’ but as Lightning from the East, because I have long since been resurrected and left from among man and have again appeared among the human world with glory; I am the one who man has worshipped before all the ages and also the ‘infant’ who was rejected by the Israelites before all the ages, and much more the Almighty God of the present age who is overflowing with glory! Let all people come before my throne, behold my glorious countenance, hear my utterance, and behold my deeds; this is my entire intention and is the ultimate and the climax of my plan, as well as the purpose of my management. Let all nations worship, all mouths confess, all men have faith, and all the peoples become subject!”

God’s work in mainland China has finally come to an end with glorious circumstances. The government of the great red dragon has eventually finished rendering its service and begun to receive God’s righteous punishment. God will soon appear to every nation and every region publicly. Those who have been expecting God’s appearing in every nation and every region in the world would have never dreamt that God whom they have been expecting to appear publicly has already come to China in a hidden way and done a step of work of conquering and saving. There are many people who are still condemning God’s work in China, and there are many people who are still blaspheming the Holy Spirit’s work in China. Not until God appears publicly will they realize it as if waking up from a dream and be extremely remorseful. They would have never dreamt that Almighty God whom they resist is exactly the Lord Jesus who has come again. This has completely fulfilled the word in Revelation of the Bible: “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him.” The judgment of the great white throne has finally begun.

V. The Work of God’s Hidden Advent in China Has Been Crowned with Success
Woe to Those Who Crucify Christ Again
God’s Word that Goes Beyond the Bible Has Revealed All Believers in God

Since God, who was incarnated in China, formally started to fulfill his ministry in 1992, he has proclaimed more than one million words, conquered and saved a group of people, and opened a new age in which the judgment has begun from the house of God. At the present time, God’s end-time work has reached its climax in mainland China, and in all denominations and sects in the entire Christianity, the majority of those who seek after the truth have returned before the throne of God. It is as if that the entire religious circle has been cleaned up. God incarnated in the flesh has accomplished the work of the Son of Man’s hidden advent prophesied in the Bible, and it will soon come to an end by glorious circumstances. People from every nation and every region who thirst for God’s appearing will face the public appearing of God. We, the group of people who have accepted Christ’s end-time work, have entered the Age of the Kingdom in advance. Just as God’s word says: “The kingdom has been expanded among man, has taken shape among man, and has stood among man. No power can destroy my kingdom.” “My kingdom has taken shape in the entire universe, and my throne has occupied the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Because of the cooperation of the angels, my work will soon be crowned with success. All the sons and the people of God are impatiently waiting for my return and expecting that I can meet with them and will thenceforth never separate again. How can all the people in my kingdom not run to each other rejoicing for my presence? Could this be a meeting for which no price has been paid? I am regarded as honorable in the eyes of all people and being spread in the words of all people. When I have returned, I will even more conquer all the hostile powers. The time has arrived! I will expand my work, and I will reign and rule among man! I will return! I will leave! This is what man has been expecting and is what man has been hoping for. I will let all people see the arrival of my day and joyfully welcome the arrival of my day!” “All whom I love will surely abide forever, and all who resist me will surely be punished by me forever, because I am a jealous God and will not let go lightly all the deeds of anyone. I will search the whole earth and appear in the East of the world as righteousness, majesty, wrath, and punishment to reveal myself to all men!”

God’s extraordinary work has revealed all the antichrists, all the false prophets, and all those who deceive people, and has also exposed those unbelievers who only seek after grace and who only eat the loaves and have their fill. God’s word of judgment is like a sharp two-edged sword and pierces man’s heart and soul. Those who hate rebuke, who are disgusted with pure words, or who do not love the truth have all showed their true colors. Only those who have recognized the voice of God are the sheep of God and have returned before the throne of God. Those who have not recognized the voice of God have all been eliminated by God’s work.

Since we began to carry out the gospel work, we have been undergoing the cruel persecution and hounding of the Chinese government. The more lamentable are the curse, slander, condemnation, and rejection from all denominations and sects in Christianity. We have been doubly beset by these things, even to the point where the gospel work once came to a standstill. Facing such a situation, we were at a loss what to do, as if we had been besieged on all sides. At the same time, we also felt doubly rebuked: We have enjoyed so great a salvation of God and have understood so many truths, but we could not spread them to others. We really did not deserve to be God’s witnesses and really betrayed that which God entrusted to us. With such a frame of mind, we all felt that we lost our duties, and did not know what course to take and how to give account to God, and even less did we know how to face God’s warning and entrusting time and again. Although at a loss, we still felt that God’s heart was calling us and calling every sheep whom he is waiting to gain. Under such a situation, we all came before God to pray to God and pour out our hearts to God with indebtedness, guilt, and thirst: “O God! May you strengthen us and bestow wisdom on us so that we can find you all your sheep. May your will be carried out in us and your kingdom be expanded so that more people can be saved into your family by your word. As long as your gospel can be expanded, we are willing to undergo greater suffering, even if it is to sacrifice our lives. May you give us more strength. We are willing to cooperate with your step-by-step guidance. O God! Because of our small spiritual stature and our weaknesses, we cannot fulfill that which you have entrusted to us smoothly. May you bind those hostile powers that disturb the expansion of your gospel, curse those of the kind of the devil who do not belong to you, clean off all the things that hinder the expansion of your gospel, and open up the way forward for us.” We believed that our prayer reached the ears of God, for our prayer was in conformity with God’s intention and was offered for the sake of God’s will. As expected, God did a great work not long after that. That brought us unprecedented excitement and joy. God bestowed wisdom on us and gave us confidence and strength so that the expansion of the gospel work reached its climax at once. Each of us knew and even more believed that God had brought us good news and that it was even more God’s encouragement and reward to us. The sufferings we underwent were rewarded. In the depths of our hearts, all of us have even more deeply understood the true meaning of these words “Only God Godself can do his own work.” God actually did not make it difficult for us, even less did he embarrass us. Only, he gave us some small trials in the beginning and nothing more. Besides happiness, we thanked God’s guidance, help, care, and keeping from the bottom of our hearts. At the same time, we also saw the greatness of God’s deeds and the honorableness of God’s nature, and even more we saw God’s righteousness and the aspect of his not tolerating man’s offense, because God also punished many enemies that resisted him while saving man.

People spreading the gospel in various places got to know a lot of such information: Many people who once resisted the work of Almighty God or who disturbed and hindered people from accepting “Almighty God” have all been punished and cursed in different degrees. This, to some degree, has played a positive role in our gospel work. When hearing such news, we could not help praising God’s righteousness, and even more we gave thanks to God for his hearing our prayer. Moreover, reverence and admiration for God welled up in our hearts. God will not abandon any sheep belonging to him, and even less will he let anyone off who does evil and resists him. God is omnipresent and omniscient, and God’s work is that which no hostile power can hinder. God has let us see so many cases of the wicked being punished. We believe that this is also a silent warning to each one of us. So we have systematically sorted out the facts of many people who have been punished. We regard this as a duty we should offer and also offer it to every believer as a manual of admonition for his believing in God and pursuing the truth!

The scope of those people punished we have sorted out covers all denominations and sects in Christianity. The time range is from 1995 to 2002. The area includes 24 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. We have collected more than ten thousand cases of people being punished because of their resisting Almighty God . From these more than ten thousand examples, we have chosen only more than eight hundred and eighty typical cases that occurred in various places and put them in order, so that all people can learn a lesson from them. In all these shocking cases of people being punished because of their resistance against God, we summarize that there are mainly four kinds of people who resisted God comparatively ferociously. They are listed as follows:

The first kind: These people were deceived by others because they themselves had no knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit and had no discernment. Or they were controlled by wicked servants and did evil along with them. They echoed what others said and spoke many words of resisting God; besides, they did evil to hinder people from accepting God’s work. As for this kind of people, God only gave them some slight punishments and did not do away with their lives. Some of them had strange diseases, some incurred disasters themselves, and some brought disasters to their family members. With regard to this kind of people, God gave them a chance to repent. Of course, there were also some especially obstinate ones who still did not wake up but continued to do evil after having been punished and thus were cut off.

The second kind: The majority of these people are the leaders in various denominations and sects. They faced choices between status and God. For the sake of their status, they gave up the true way, deliberately resisted God’s work, and controlled the people in their hands. In order to enjoy the blessing of having status forever, they deceived and entrapped people, as if they would lose their status as long as they lost people and they would have no way of continuing to live without status. Therefore, they tried every possible way to compete for the chosen people with God, calling God’s sheep their sheep. They were the typical antichrists. What they served were their status and means of livelihood. Their hearts became more and more hardened. They still wanted to control the chosen people of God while enjoying God’s grace, and they even did not give people the right of choosing things freely that they should have. They are precisely those wicked servants prophesied by the Lord Jesus. As for this kind of people, God also gave them different punishments according to their behavior. They were also given the chance to repent. However, some of them intensified their evil deeds and remained unrepentant to the end. So God did away with their lives. As for those who restrained themselves or stopped doing evil, God has not taken their lives and is still waiting for them to repent.

The third kind: This portion of people were formerly possessed by evil spirits. Or some of them performed many miracles by evil spirits. These people only believed in the work that evil spirits did in them and did not have the slightest knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when God’s new work was preached to them, they strongly opposed it. This kind of people are especially hostile to the work of the Holy Spirit and are most disgusted with the truth proclaimed by God. In all denominations and sects, these people’s voice of resisting God is the highest, their actions are the most malicious, and their oppositions against God are the most active and the most intense. This portion of people are the tools of evil spirits, the enemies of God, and the accomplices of satan, so the final outcomes of all these people are to be cursed, and they are doomed to be destroyed and perish.

The fourth kind: This portion of people who were punished are the backbones trained by the Three-Self Protestant Church. They only serve the Communist Party and work themselves to the bone for it and are hostile to all those who truly believe in God. They, with the help of the power of the government, persecute people who truly follow God and testify about God, serving as the tools of the Chinese government. They live by the means of livelihood given by the Communist Party, speak for it, and work themselves to the bone for it. They have become the spokesmen of the Communist Party in the religious circle. Actually, their master is none other than the Communist Party. This portion of people occupy the ruling positions of the churches in the majority of areas, and there are many innocent believers controlled in their hands. These people are the devils who resist God through and through. They are indeed unbelievers in Christianity. They may be unrestrained for a time, but their final outcome is doomed to be cursed and destroyed.

These renowned people from various denominations and sects in Christianity have all been punished by God and have even been cursed to death because they condemned God’s work and hindered God’s will from being carried out. Isn’t this worth man’s pondering? If the one whom they resisted were not God, who could punish them and take away their lives? If they really belonged to God, who would have the power to take their lives away from the hands of God? Don’t you acknowledge that God is righteous?

From the situations of these four kinds of people and their actions and behavior, it can be seen clearly that these people do not love the truth by nature, that they hold a hostile attitude toward God’s work of judging and punishing man and thus saving and transforming man, that they are extremely disgusted with God’s word of exposing man’s nature and piercing man’s soul, and thus become ashamed to anger. It is as if their pleasant dream had been interrupted by God’s arrival, so their hearts of complaining against God and their nature of rebelling against God have been completely exposed. They condemned, blasphemed, and resisted God unscrupulously. They were swollen with arrogance and were overbearing. Compared with the Pharisees who persecuted the Lord Jesus two thousand years ago, they even went further than them. Eventually, they incurred punishment and curse. Not until their death did they understand that God’s nature really did not tolerate man’s offense. However, what they could do was only to weep and gnash their teeth in the darkness. Woe to those who crucify Christ again.

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